

CONGRATULATIONS to "Jets.dk" - your website has been chosen as one of a select few to have won the prestigious World Best Websites - Gold Award.

After an extensive review, our team of site evaluators found your website to be in the TOP 10% of all sites reviewed. Of the hundreds of websites we review every week, our team rated your site very highly with an average score of 91%. Only great websites command scores of this magnitude.

The Gold Award is reserved for wonderful websites which excel in all aspects of site design. They are only granted to exemplary sites that reflect "best practice" in website development - so display your award proudly, it is an extremely tough one to earn. In your case, judges made specific mention of the great aerial photography in the image gallery, effective interactive features, depth & detail of information provided, as well as your elegant site design.

Congratulations once again on an outstanding website & a job well done. It's sites like yours that are leading the evolution of the Internet.

Keep up the fantastic work ! ! !

Rick Doran
World Best Website Awards



Thank you for submitting for the Gold Award. I enjoyed surfing your site, and I am sure everybody else will too.

ZDTV - Internet Tonight

Avitop.com was featured on Internet Tonight on ZDTV



We Just finished reviewing your web site and I am happy to present you with the SkyFlash Star Award for excellence in web design. We found your website interesting, with nice pics and easy to navigate. As you found out we like pics and you have some great ones and the info is superb too.
You've done a great job on your web site!, Keep up the good work and we are proud to have you in our star links and you deserve it.



We surfed into your website this morning and i would like to congratulate you in an excellent website. The design and use of graphics is excellent. so it's with great honor that we present to you our gold 'excellent' website award.



Billeder af danske F16 og andre militærfly
I disse dage, hvor Danmark for første gang i meget lang tid er involveret i en krig på de angribenes side, er det ekstra aktuelt med en webside om de danske fly, der deltager i Serbien – nemlig jetjagerne af typen F16. Derfor har RUN, stykket et billedgalleri sammen om de danske fly. Det er begrænset, hvor megen information om selve flyet man kan finde, men der er rigtig mange flotte billeder af fly i nærbilleder og i formationer. Der er dog en såkaldt interaktiv F16, hvor man ved køre musen hen over den får et overblik over, hvor de forskellige elementer sidder på sådan et fly. Siden er ret flot designet med en smart brug af animerede GIF’er og rammer på forsiden som lidt af et højdepunkt. Siden er indholdsmæssigt nok lidt tynd, men der er mange flotte billeder.

Indhold 3 @
Design 4 @
Teknologi 4 @
Samlet 4 @

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