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Posted: 2/15/1999
Name: John Raahauge
Email: run@jets.dk
Homepage: www.jets.dk
Comments: Welcome to the Guestbook of www.jets.dk. Please leave a comment.

Posted: 3/24/1999
Name: Mogens A. Pedersen
Email: mope@post2.tele.dk
Comments: Congratulation with your new web-site. Really nice.

Posted: 3/25/1999
Name: Per Olufsen
Email: peroluf@post5.tele.dk
Homepage: Aviation Website Denmark
Comments: Hej RUN Det er en meget flot hjemmeside du har fået lavet her. Jeg må sige at det er nogle rimelige flotte billeder. Keep up the good work. Jeg har også selv en hjemmeside men har endnu ikke fået mine militære flybilleder ud på nettet, delvis pga. mine deployeringer til flyvevåbnets nye flyvestation i region Syd. Men jeg håber at få det gjort snarest. Vi ses på SKP.. MVH Per Olufsen

Posted: 3/25/1999
Name: Pinga
Email: Pinga@n2.com
Homepage: Advertising and promotion
Comments: VERY cool homepage. The pictures are 1. class.

Posted: 4/2/1999
Name: Nir S. Gonen
Email: nirgonen@internet-zahav.net
Comments: i really enjoyed your web site. the pictures are very nice. good work!

Posted: 4/2/1999
Name: Nir S. Gonen
Email: nirgonen@internet-zahav.net
Comments: p.s the israely air force web site is www.iaf.org.il it's a great site.

Posted: 4/6/1999
Name: Arne Lyngvig
Email: arne@lyngvig
Comments: Fine hjemmesider, jeg vil kigge i mine arkiver, var i fototjenesten i 12 år så der er mange foto.

Posted: 4/7/1999
Name: Pinny
Email: Vatour@msn.com
Comments: John I think this site is great I hope u get more hits for I will be posting this site everywhere I go Pinny :-)

Posted: 4/12/1999
Name: Angie
Email: Angie@909mail.dk
Homepage: Angie´s Isle
Comments: Hejsa! Pænt layout Angie

Posted: 4/14/1999
Name: Bubber
Email: per.larsen.66115130@post3.tele.dk
Comments: RUN du er min helt personlige helt, uden dig var vi nok en lille provins i Tyskland og vi kørte alle rund i mecedes og BMW. Jeg hader dig. MVH Bubber

Posted: 4/15/1999
Name: Simon Tobias Secher
Email: Simon@mail.tele.dk
Homepage: Simons Hjemmeside
Comments: Rigtig flot Web-site du har lavet!!! Man kan godt se at det er en pilot der har haft med det at gøre! Mvh Simon

Posted: 4/16/1999

Posted: 4/19/1999
Name: mikkel
Email: nakel@forum.dk
Comments: hejsa igen det er mikkel håber i har det godt hilsen mikkel ???????_hvornå er månen tættes på jorden nå vo´lborg bukke sig ned for at binne snørebånd

Posted: 4/22/1999
Name: Lorenzo
Email: FerrariFerrari@Yahoo.com
Comments: What a site! With a few minor improvements this site is probably one of the best sites to technically give all who visit an insight into one of the worlds most feared combat fighters. I wish John every success in the evolution of this site. A definite must for all F-16 enthusiasts! A much needed site in my opinion!

Posted: 4/26/1999
Name: jesper
Email: jespera@groruddalen.gs.oslo.no
Comments: kule fly

Posted: 5/6/1999
Name: karina thøgersen
Comments: Hilsen Ole! Jeg synes at det er en spændende hjemmeside om fly!

Posted: 5/7/1999
Name: B. Frank
Email: iceman@z.zgs.de
Homepage: Die Luftwaffe
Comments: COOL Homepage, i like the F-16 "Falcon"!!! cu...

Posted: 5/8/1999
Name: Alif Kracht
Email: alif.krachr@get2net.dk
Homepage: Alif's hjemmeside
Comments: Det er temlig flot specielt din interaktiv F-16...... Keep the god work on ....

Posted: 5/10/1999
Name: Ice
Comments: Very very nice site. Especially the pics arew great. Just one question, are Run and Iceman one and the same person. Will come in and visit this site more often from now on. Thanks, Ice.

Posted: 5/18/1999
Name: Andrea Babina
Email: andreababina@hotmail.com
Comments: Jeg er en frisk pige på 21 år, som gerne vil overraske min kæreste på hans fødselsdag den 7 juli 1999. Han bliver 36 år. Hans drøm var at blive uddannet til jægerpilot, men desvære bestod han ikke prøven.(Det var i Afrika)Og hvert gang han ser en program om flyvemaskiner i Discovery , bliver han ked af det. Fordi det var hans drengedrøm om at blive pilot. Jeg vil spørge om der var en mulighed for at man kunne få en prøvetur sammen med en pilot. Er det muligt at man kan arrangere et såden møde. Det vil jeg være meget glad for og taknemmeligt, hvis det kunne arrangeres. Jeg ser mig frem til at høre fra jer! Med venlig hilsen Andrea (ny forelsket)

Posted: 5/18/1999
Name: Peter Poulsen
Email: peter.poulsen@post.tele.dk
Comments: Hej RUN Tak for din mail, den indeholdte ikke de store overraskelser !!! Som sædvanlig går der bajer i det når vejret er fedt. Det kan ikke bebrejdes. Ellers en fed hjemmeside, specielt interessant endeligt at få afklaret hvorfor du har så store overarme og brystmuskler, jeg vidste ikke at du trænede så meget fysisk. Det forklarer jo hvorfor du i snart 10 mdr møder senere end os andre (fnis fnis) Vi ses i morgen Pølle

Posted: 5/25/1999
Name: HEN
Email: hen@f16.dk
Comments: Hej RUN. Sej side, du holder dig her. Nu sælger jeg sgu mit domæne, for jeg har slet ikke tid til at gøre så meget ved den som dig. Hold dig munter..

Posted: 5/29/1999
Name: Orio Kieboom
Email: orio@dds.nl
Comments: This site has a very smooth lay out and the contents aren't bad either, they are only second to 349 of Belgium. I can tell you've put a lot of effort in creating this site. Very well done. Orio Kieboom - NL (US)

Posted: 5/30/1999
Name: Jakob Wolf FSN SKP ESK727
Email: taniaogjakob@mobilixnet.dk
Comments: Virkelig god hjemmeside RUN Hilsen Jakob Klarmelder esk727

Posted: 5/31/1999
Name: Claus Ladegaard
Email: fantomas@forum.dk
Comments: Flot Hjemmeside I har her !

Posted: 6/1/1999
Name: John Kristensen (STI)
Email: elfving@image.dk
Homepage: ENJJPT 97-02
Comments: Kanon flot hjemmeside. Vi ses - STI

Posted: 6/1/1999
Name: Kim L. Hansen
Email: klh@get2net.dk
Homepage: Home of the Lionhearts
Comments: Fint lay-out! Besøg venligst vores hjemmeside, jeg vil meget gerne have en snak med dig. Glæder mig til din repons, Kontakt os gerne pr. e-mail Venlig hilsen Kim

Posted: 6/7/1999
Name: Ice
Email: j.hilt@wxs.nl
Comments: Hello Run. Have been spending some more time around your site, and i must say that it's a great one. Esspecially the interactive part. Where you give answer to almost every question that is asked. Very good and usefull for us virtual pilots. Getting the stuff from a pilot is great. Hope you can keep this up.Thanks Run. Ice.

Posted: 6/11/1999
Name: Kim L. Hansen
Email: klh@get2net.dk
Homepage: Home of the Lionhearts
Comments: Hej John, Tak for dit svar, jeg beklager at du ikke har fået repons endnu. Vi har problemer med vores outlook, derfor denne henvendelse. Forventer at have det ordnet i uge 24. Mange hilsner Kim

Posted: 6/12/1999
Name: Peter Steehouwer
Email: peter@steehouwer.com
Homepage: Airshow Action Photo Gallery by Peter Steehouwer
Comments: Great site !! I submit my site to the Aviation TOP100 list

Posted: 6/16/1999
Name: Jakob
Email: vip@mail.tele.dk
Comments: Bare en lille vits, jeg har fundet Those German controllers at Frankfurt Airport tend to be a short-tempered lot. They not only expect pilots to know their parking location but how to get there without any assistance. So it was with some amusement that we (PanAm 747) listened to the following exchange between Frankfurt ground and a British Airways 747 (radio call Speedbird 206) after landing. Speedbird 206: "Good morning Frankfurt. Speedbird 206 clear to active." Ground: "Good Morning. Taxi to your gate." The British Airways 747 pulls onto the main taxiway and stops. Ground: "Speedbird, do you know where you are going?" Speedbird 206: "Stand by, ground. I'm looking up the gate location now." Ground (impatiently): "Speedbird 206, have you never flown to Frankfurt before?" Speedbird 206 (coolly), "Yes, in 1944. But I didn't stop."

Posted: 6/17/1999
Name: ROUGE SQDN 2nd Lt. Cumulus
Comments: Nice Web site. Great work

Posted: 6/17/1999
Name: Angeleyes Capt.
Email: angeleyes@666th.com
Homepage: www.666th.com
Comments: yeah indeed, like my buddy Cumulus said, nice site, enjoyed the visit here :-)

Posted: 6/20/1999
Name: Rich and Lee
Comments: We visited your page and learned alot about F-16's and other planes!!

Posted: 6/25/1999
Name: Poul Gulstad
Email: gulstad@inet.uni2.dk
Comments: Det er en fin Web side der her er lavet. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at der ville komme en side med alle de fly der har været tilknyttet hæren, flåden og Det danske Flyve våben, altså alle de gamle fly. Poul Gulstad

Posted: 6/27/1999
Name: René
Email: renevk@compuserve.com
Comments: These are the best pic's I have found on the WWW so far! Both in quality and numbers! Great! Thanxx! Greetings, René

Posted: 6/27/1999
Name: Marius
Comments: Bildene var kjempe kule!

Posted: 6/30/1999
Name: Rodrigo Castro
Email: rcastrom@sol.racsa.co.cr
Comments: Write comment here Congratulations for your beautiful page in the web. I like it, very much!! Keep going ahead with it. Sincerely, Rodrigo Castro.

Posted: 7/2/1999
Name: mavarick
Email: mavarick_90210@hotmail.com
Comments: nice home pg u got. can u plz send me some cool pictures of the planes to mavarick_90210@hotmail.com

Posted: 7/3/1999
Name: mogens nielsen
Email: nmb19652@vip.cybercity.dk
Comments: Meget flotte billerder, dem skulle i lave nogle fler af.

Posted: 7/4/1999
Name: Lund
Email: turbolund@get2net.dk
Comments: god side, endeligt noget fornuftigt på nettet. Vender med garanti tilbage

Posted: 7/4/1999
Name: RDAF
Email: rdaf@hotmail.com
Comments: COOL site keep it going. Ill be back

Posted: 7/10/1999
Name: MARK

Posted: 7/11/1999
Name: Master Ken Johnson
Email: Monopoly@aol.com
Comments: Write comment here This was beautiful, my son and I loved the whole Gallery. The Johnson Family

Posted: 7/11/1999
Name: MSGT. Ken Johnson
Email: Monopolysr@aol.com
Comments: Write comment here This was beautiful, my son and I loved the whole Gallery. The Johnson Family

Posted: 7/15/1999
Name: Lars T. Rasmussen
Email: lara@post2.tele.dk
Comments: Flot, John. Jeg skrever til dig, når jeg kommer fra ferie.

Posted: 7/17/1999
Name: Jezza
Email: jay_el85@hotmail.com
Homepage: jezza's jet fighters
Comments: This is the best fighter jet pages i've been to. It is just like an official site, maybe even better!! Good on you! Keep up the good work!

Posted: 7/18/1999
Name: var
Email: var@Batam.wasantara.net.id
Comments: Great picture.Add more aircraft type for "Interactive image"

Posted: 7/20/1999
Name: Saskia Martens
Email: saskia.martens@planetinternet.be
Comments: You have a beautiful website!

Posted: 7/26/1999
Name: mario warnaar
Email: mwarnaar@gironet.nl
Homepage: Horus' website
Comments: Great website, enjoyed my landing :-) I'm a former Royal Netherlands Air Force K-9 doghandler and worked at Soesterberg AFB.

Posted: 7/27/1999
Name: Steen Lundsgaard
Email: ann.steen.lundsgaard@get2net.dk
Comments: Hej RUN! Jeg håber du har det godt "over there" og at I er ved at falde til. Jeg har sørme fået en MJ-stilling på SKP og er blevet CH for SR. Det står for Ressourcestyringssektionen og har ansvaret for alt med budget og økonomi, miljø og bygnings- og arealvedligeholdelse. Det er spændende, men der er meget at lave. Jeg håber at høre fra dig! Mange hilsener Steen

Posted: 7/27/1999
Name: Elisabeth
Email: elfbear@hotmail.com
Comments:  Det er bare alletiders side - keep it up! :o)

Posted: 7/28/1999
Name: Spaceball_1
Email: grand_prix@hotmail.com
Comments: this is an awesome site. Good Job :)

Posted: 7/28/1999
Davitt's Aircraft
Name: Davitt Hughes
Email: davitt@davittsaircraft.zzn.com
Homepage: Davitt's Aircraft
Comments: Very, very cool site. I love the top 100 idea, but how about some 1024x768 wallpapers like there are on my website.

Posted: 7/28/1999
Name: Marie Perry
Email: nataleemarie@usa.net
Comments: I love planes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 8/2/1999
Name: BILL
Email: bill.iach@snet.net
Comments: This web page is awesome I love to and go to as many airshows as I can mostly in MASS. and R.I.

Posted: 8/3/1999
Name: Bill
Email: bill.lach@snet.net
Comments: In my previous entry my e-mail adress is wrong. this webpage is great and the links also keep up the good work . bill

Posted: 8/8/1999
Name: MIR
Email: claus.c.rasmussen@get2net.dk
Comments: Hej RUN Håber du er faldet godt til på Sheppard og i Wichita Falls. Jeg selv er startet i FTK, og det er indtil videre ikke nogen succes, pga. de arbejdsområder, jeg har fået tildelt, og en F-16 omskoling, der indtil videre står hen i det uvisse; men vi får se... Skriv når du får mulighed Mange Hammer hilsner MIR

Posted: 8/12/1999
Name: Vegard Ertvaag
Email: v-er@online.no
Comments: Write comment here Takk for titten. Flotte bilder. Kan du kansje ordne med en tur i et F-16 Fighting Falcon? Det hadde vært: a dream come true. Stå på videre Hilsen Vegard fra Norge..

Posted: 8/13/1999
Name: JIR
Email: jir@mail.dk
Comments: Hej RUN Tak for sidst i Karrebæksminde. Jeg skal lige love for, at det er noget af et flot website du har fået lavet dig. Jeg håber du har det godt, det har jeg, nu hvor jeg langt om længe er vendt tilbage til flyvningen igen. Ha' det godt. :-) JIR

Posted: 8/13/1999
Name: Søren Lundorf
Email: sl@maersk-pilot.dk
Comments: Flot side, hvis du ligger inde med papirbilleder af F-16 her tænker jeg på 10x15cm, var det muligt at skaffe sig kopier? Alt har interesse! Jeg mener at have fløjet svæveflyvning med din far, hvis altså du er den jeg tror. M.V.H SL.

Posted: 8/14/1999
Name: Jan Olsen
Email: j_olsenkbh@hotmail.com
Comments: Hej, Lækker side. Jeg ved selv en masse om F-16. Har læst utallige bøger, og set dokumentar i lange baner. Derudover flyver min fætter selv F-16 her i DK (callsign: MET). Ellers lækker side. Helt klart den bedste, jeg er faldet over her på nettet. VH Jan

Posted: 8/14/1999
Name: Alfred Koning
Email: Akoning@hotpop.com
Comments: You have a nice homepage with great pictures, especially the F-16 pictures taken from inside the F-16 in-flight. I found your page by link (www.onzeluchtmacht.nl) A Dutch site (I'm dutch), which also has a lot of links. Greatings Alfred Koning

Posted: 8/15/1999
Name: Carl bartelt
Email: ivbar@primenet.com
Comments: How do I register onto your site?

Posted: 8/17/1999
Name: Mads Krog
Email: krog@hotmail.com
Homepage: Untitled
Comments: Fed hjemmeside du har banket sammen her. Jeg har en masse F16 billeder og dragen billeder, som du måske kunne få en kopi af. Bliv med med at lave denne side.. Den er fed!

Posted: 8/18/1999
Name: Chris Gilliland
Email: chris_gilliland@mindspring.com
Homepage: F-117A Nighthawk
Comments: Two questions: What software did you use to make the banner on your home page and how did you get that reflective wave look? It's very neat looking banner. Thanks, Chris Gilliland

Posted: 8/20/1999
Name: J.J.Ueckermann
Email: jju@icon.co.za
Comments: Interesting

Posted: 8/21/1999
Name: W H Petty
Email: policepop@aol.com
Comments:  Very interesting and well done

Posted: 8/22/1999
Name: pat goerig
Email: tamflyer@hotmail.com
Comments: great page.....thx

Posted: 8/24/1999
Name: Adam Cheshire
Email: madcatty@hotmail.com
Homepage: Madcatty's F111 Home Page.
Comments: really great page, Nice to know someboady's listing all the good Aviation web pages. I've actually got one of my own, all on the F111, if you have a look, you might like to add a link on your site, and I'll return the favour.

Posted: 8/24/1999
Name: Jan-Georg
Email: wvdw@megaweb.co.za
Homepage: Megaweb
Comments: It is one of the most interesting sites I came upon. I like the gallary very much. It is great pictures. I like to become a pilot and I would realy appreciate it if you could sent me some information of how to become a pilot and the medical requerments.

Posted: 8/26/1999
Name: Richard W. Kopf
Email: AFETS@worldnet.att.net
Comments: I have worked on the 20MM gun for 31 years now and really like the weapon. At the current time I work for Air Force Engineering and Technical Services at Langley AFB, VA. Enjoyed your web page.

Posted: 8/29/1999
Name: Adam Towner
Email: pauly_19@hotmail.com
Homepage: Things With Wings
Comments: The guestbook alone is pleasing to the eye, I loved everything about the site. You are a wizard.

Posted: 8/30/1999
Name: Eddy de Kruijff
Email: edkruijff@gironet.nl
Homepage: Military Aviation Photographing
Comments: Dear Sir, I have added your excellent website to my aviation links. I do like to ask you if you can added my new home-page aswell. Thanks for the co-operation. Bye, Eddy de Kruijff

Posted: 9/1/1999
Name: neil mcconnell
Email: buzzin102@hotmail.com
Comments: COOL WED PAGE!!!!!

Posted: 9/4/1999
Name: Trapper
Email: trapper@falcon.airforce.net
Homepage: 187th Stray Dogs VFS
Comments: The pictures in the gallery are BEAUTIFUL. Commendations to photographer and webmaster! 187th Stray Dogs is a virtual fighter squadron on the internet, flying Falcon 4.0 (F16 flight simulator).

Posted: 9/5/1999
Name: Bastiaan Schenkels
Comments: NIce way te learn about the f 16

Posted: 9/5/1999
Name: Kevin Burns
Email: schuurs@casema.net
Comments: http://sites.netscape.net/bostonman/soesterbergabnl Devoted mainly to the Americans that were stationed here before the base closed for Americans. However have links to the new squadrons (Dutch) that are assigned.

Posted: 9/5/1999  

Posted: 9/6/1999
Name: Miikka Pellosniemi
Email: mpellari@pp.nic.fi
Comments: Wonderfull DK pics!!! Its the most beautiful jet in the world. Dragonnights rules! Best regards:Miikka (Dragonpilot from Finnish Air Force)

Posted: 9/7/1999
Name: Frank DEWAELE
Email: frank.dewaele@agf.be
Comments: Write comment here Splendid initiative: wealth of info, marvellous pictures. Really exciting

Posted: 9/7/1999
Name: Daniel Maliszewski
Email: daniel.maliszewski@scania.pl
Comments: Super photos of F16

Posted: 9/7/1999
Name: shanali thirunavukkarasu
Email: shanz69@Yahoo.com
Comments: How th hell do you switch to hig reslution. Maybe my computer is just s***t

Posted: 9/7/1999
Name: bjorn de vrieze
Email: gudrun.devrieze.vdginste@vt4.net
Comments: Write comment here hallo ik ben bjorn. ik zou graag eens contact met commandant.DE KET. hij kent mijn beste vriend ook.Karl Ottevaere wij willen alle twee gevechtspiloot van een F-16 worden.ik zal maar afronden zeker. dag

Posted: 9/8/1999
Name: William J. Oparowski
Email: Oski3@aol.com
Comments: Aircraft Delivery, Taildraggers a specialty. Oski3@aol.com.

Posted: 9/10/1999
Name: Johnny Bower
Email: jbower7204@aol.com
Comments: EX Air Force love anything to do with Air Force Aviation and its members. Always attend the Air shows in Ga. Every now and then a F-16 from Moody AFB will buzz the area. Can't get enough!

Posted: 9/11/1999
Name: Lincoln Germiquet
Email: ma02gerl@.sac.ecape.school.za
Comments: This is the best site Ive seen on the internet so far. I really enjoy looking at all the photos.

Posted: 9/12/1999
Name: Warren Hudson
Email: w.p.hudson@worldnet.att.net
Homepage: Aggressor Home Page
Comments: Thanks for the tour. You gave me several ideas for my site

Posted: 9/16/1999
Name: Samuel M. Waters
Email: Caribou3@MSN.com
Comments: Write comment here I'm interested in getting a few ENJJPT patches

Posted: 9/16/1999
Name: John Stenger
Email: stenger@mail.tele.dk
Comments: Hallo Hallo! Er der nogen hjemme. Jeg sendte en email til dig. Er den ikke nået frem? Har I det godt? er I faldet til? Så lad os da høre fra jer, eller er I sunket helt i jorden?

Posted: 9/16/1999
Name: John B Fitch
Email: jbfitch@juno.com
Comments: Just found your site and look forward to visiting often.

Posted: 9/17/1999
Name: Crew Chief
Email: odin77@home.com
Comments: Geez.Excellent web page! I'm impressed. Alrite. Who did it? This is definitely to smooth for a jet jockey! Had to be a mech. Seriosly, I really like the whole damn page. It's a lot nicer than some of the Clog mobiles I've senn driven around Cool Pool, while I was employed @ A.E.T.E. Nice job Guys. Keep the clean side up and the dirty side down, AND WATCH YER 6!!

Posted: 9/21/1999
Name: Sky YYZ
Email: SkyYYZ@flightattendants.org
Homepage: Flight Attendant Crew Lounge
Comments: Thank you for creating a site so full of useful aviation links. I think www.jets.dk is a great resource and I will check back often. Sky YYZ

Posted: 9/23/1999
Name: John M. Holm
Email: johnholm@compuserve.com
Homepage: NFTC
Comments: This is an excellent site with a wealth of information. Keep up the good work.

Posted: 9/24/1999
Name: Ken Edmonds
Email: KenEdmonds1@compuserve.com
Comments: Excellent Web Page!!! (particularly like your home pg)

Posted: 9/25/1999
Name: cengiz ekmekci
Email: cekmekci@balikesir.edu.tr
Comments:  hi!!!

Posted: 9/27/1999
Name: farzin
Comments: great site!

Posted: 9/27/1999
Name: poppap97
Email: poppap97@bkk.a-net.net.th
Comments: very interesting thank you very much

Posted: 9/28/1999
Name: Jens G. Nielsen
Comments: Hej Det er en fin side i har fået lavet. Jeg syntes der mangler nogle kommentarer til billederne. Ellers er det rart at se de danske fly

Posted: 9/29/1999
Name: Bob Stallard
Email: bob465@mailcity.com
Homepage: Bob's Planes
Comments: Very Helpful Site Please come and see me on my homepage

Posted: 9/30/1999
Name: Jose Maria Emmanuel C. Linao
Email: joel.astro@mailcity.com
Comments: Write comment here I think it's a great idea to have a website for all of us plane-crazy people. I hope you have more success in this endeavour. Long live the plan-lovers!!!

Posted: 9/30/1999
Name: Jesse Hoffman
Email: Jesse2@caonoemail.com
Comments: Write comment hereHi, this is m fisrt time visiting your site and I have to say I like it very much, especially the photos. Keep up the good work. P.S I'm in the Royal Canadian Air Cadets and my rank right now is LAC. I'm in 107 Spitfire Squadron of Saskatoon.

Posted: 10/2/1999
Name: Michael A. Bell
Email: mbelb92133@aol.com
Comments: Awsome Site

Posted: 10/2/1999
Name: Yvo Henckaers
Email: ivo.henckaers@pandora.be
Comments: Great webpage.

Posted: 10/3/1999
Name: Rasmus V Simonsen
Email: Pillar_box@hotmail.com
Comments: Svedig hjemmeside, lækre billeder.

Posted: 10/5/1999
Name: ALLAN C.

Posted: 10/5/1999
Name: FM Barton
Email: FM Barton@aol.com
Comments: Write comment here excellant materal both explanations and pictures

Posted: 10/6/1999
Name: gord metcalfe
Email: metcalfe@kos.net
Comments: My father was SqnLd Russ Metcalfe Service # 2015 Retired 1961 to Kingston, Ont. Ex-president 416 Wing Ex-instructor 58 Kingston Air Cadets Interested in any stories etc. Ph. 1-613-542-7476 Home Ph. 1-613-547-2766 Work

Posted: 10/6/1999
Name: Denty Moore
Email: denty.moore@namp.net
Homepage: North American Machining Products, Inc.
Comments: Very nice web page. Well done.

Posted: 10/7/1999
Name: Kristian
Email: k_bengtsen@forum.dk
Comments: This is a very cool homepage!!

Posted: 10/9/1999
Name: Ram Haridas
Email: yaago@aol.com
Comments: Excellent!

Posted: 10/11/1999
Name: Ida Consenheim
Email: ifconsenheim@hotmail.com
Comments: I really like this site, because this way I can learn things about the f-16.

Posted: 10/15/1999
Name: Baur Martin
Email: steve-martin@gmx.de
Comments: Hallo! I am a soldier of GERMAN AIR FORCE.I´m a SGT at 1st Squadron of Fighter Bomber Wing 34 "Allgäu". The pilots of my Squadron fly PA 200 MRCA "TORNADO" on ETSM Memmingen AFB. I´m a fan of all military air- crafts and Your Homepage is very interesting for me! I think one world, one NATO, one AIRFORCE. Goodbye

Posted: 10/16/1999
Name: gustavo martin benaderet friedmann
Email: gustavosteps@hotmail.com
Comments: i want to congratulate you because of the high quality of the page, it is really amazing. from uruguay, the best for you guys.

Posted: 10/20/1999
Name: arian
Email: arianboesveld@hotmail.com
Comments: He dude, you got the best photo's!!! Please mail me when you have some new once!!!!

Posted: 10/21/1999
Name: Enzo De Proft
Email: enzodeproft@hotmail.com
Comments: This is the best site i now and i now lotts of sites.your interactive F16 is realle nice.

Posted: 10/21/1999
Name: thomas ramsay
Email: ramsayavs8@aol.com
Comments: thank you.

Posted: 10/21/1999
Name: thomas ramsay
Email: ramsayavs8@aol.com
Comments: thank you.very good.wisconsin u.s.a.

Posted: 10/22/1999
Name: Rick Paasch
Email: rpaasch@ameritech.net
Comments: Lots Of Information A Great Site

Posted: 10/23/1999
Name: Franco Sella
Email: fsella@compuserve.com
Homepage: aircraft Photo Gallery
Comments: Really nice site!

Posted: 10/24/1999
Name: Donna Garcia
Comments: cool site--I love looking at F16's, they rule!!

Posted: 10/24/1999
Name: Tom Corfitzen
Email: hojmark@molinexnet.dk
Comments: Det er rart at se hjemmesider om fly på dansk. Jeg er meget rundt på internettet for at søge oplysninger om fly.

Posted: 10/24/1999
Name: Phil Darley
Email: phil.darley@cwcom.net
Comments: Great site well done guys, keep it up.

Posted: 10/24/1999
Name: kshipra kulkarni
Email: kships_148@hotmail.com
Comments: beautiful pictures

Posted: 10/24/1999
Name: Christopher Nordquist
Email: chris_nordquist
Comments: Jeg syntes at det er en kanon side.

Posted: 10/26/1999
Name: Michael McVey
Email: greatgrandson@cess.net
Homepage: Official Website of Clyde Cessna
Comments: Not may jets at Cessna that can be listed with the Military slant your have.... But would like to see some personal jets in the gallery

Posted: 10/28/1999
Name: Pingu
Email: pingu632@hotmail.com
Comments: Beautiful pics but too dammed small even in high res.. whats wrong with 640x480 or better yet 800x600 ??

Posted: 10/28/1999
Name: christoffer
Email: ingen
Comments: det er en kanon side

Posted: 10/28/1999
Name: Stephanie
Email: Stephie12581@yahoo.com
Comments: Great site! Thanks for all the help!

Posted: 10/30/1999
Name: Tzewei Pang
Email: tzeweipang@hotmail.com
Comments: This is my favourite page except for airdisaster.com and www.tradeocean.com.my

Posted: 10/31/1999
Name: Anna
Email: fluffydo2@altavista.com
Comments: Hi there! I am about to ask you a rather unusual question. The answer you have for this question is probably not the answer I want to hear. On your main page, you know how to the left side you have the picture on top with www.jets.dk, then you have the menu, then you have this little picture of a plane and it says fly the legendary MiG-29. Well I am trying to find out about this picture. See, I have these cards that have drawn pictures of planes and stuff from WWII. The shape of the little picture is identical to the shape of the cards I have. I have been making myself nuts trying to find out some kind of information on what I have. I've tried so many different resources, and no one knows anything about these cards. I know someone out there must know about them. But so far I have not found that someone. If you think you may be able to help me out PLEASE!! email me and let me know,and if you need any more information on them I will be more than happy to provide that to you. PLEASE email me asap!! Sorry I don't mean to seem rude I am just really tired of coming up with nothing. I don't know where else to go from here. Well I will end on that note, and I want to THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND PATIENCE!! Sincerely, Anna email me at: fluffydo2@altavista.com Thanks again.

Posted: 10/31/1999
Name: Captain Dan Malavenda
Email: piggys@lava.net
Comments: Excellent site. I'm sending the address to all of my flying colleague's. Keep up the great work on your site. Captain, Dan Malavenda Pilot, Blue Hawaiian Helicopters

Posted: 11/1/1999
Name: Lars Hoebers
Email: lhaviation@usa.net
Homepage: LH @viation site
Comments: Good page guys. Keep doing the good work ! Best wishes LARS

Posted: 11/1/1999
Name: James macken
Email: james.macken@btinternet.com
Comments: nice web site reconise some people here

Posted: 11/2/1999
Name: syd myers
Email: s.myers@skynet.be
Comments: enjoyed your page. I am in the U.S Air Force. I work on aircrafts and love to be around them. keep up the good work MSgt Syd Myers

Posted: 11/4/1999
Name: Maulana MMuhamad
Email: maulana-m@mailcity.com
Comments: iT'S SO GREAT IF YOU SEND ME THE PIC OF f-117 and f-16 thank's mms

Posted: 11/8/1999
Name: jose miguel
Email: jose_82@usa.net
Comments: awsome page .. love JETS!!!! jetaholic keep it awsome add more pics though see ya

Posted: 11/8/1999
Name: Eric marx
Email: ericmarx32net2yahoo.com
Comments: I'd like to know if two space shuttles will be launched at the same time.Put me on a mailing list if you can. Eric Marx,P.O. Box 60,Wantagh,N>Y. 11793 is my address.Thank you.

Posted: 11/8/1999
Name: Robert L. Niewoonder
Email: rlniewo@attglobal.net
Comments: Nice site!

Posted: 11/10/1999
Name: Shrikant S Prabhu
Email: shrikantsp@hotmail.com
Comments: I cheked your site and found it to be a very good and interesting site, you have done a fantastic job and saved lot of my time Thanking you shrikant

Posted: 11/10/1999
Name: Mike Lund
Email: Miketomcat@hotmail.com
Comments: Hi There. I liked your site very much, cool pictures. If somebody has any pictures of the F/A-18 Hornet(This is the coolest plane, not the F-16) I would really appreciate it. Please feel free to E-mail me if you have something of interest. I also have several pictures of NATO-aircraft (800x600 640x400)which I want to share.

Posted: 11/10/1999
Name: Lt Hans 't Hart
Email: f16fightson@yahoo.com
Comments: He guys! Your page looks pretty cool and sharp. I am also working to make a homepage for our squadron 311 of the Royal Netherland AF and would like to know how your contract with haflpricehosting works. How is the support and can you for example use server security or so. Hope to hear from you soon, and check 6! Adios.

Posted: 11/12/1999
Name: Miki Schwarz
Email: mikischw2@isdn.net.il
Comments: It's a nice site.

Posted: 11/12/1999
Name: dustin hall
Email: dshall@cc.usu.edu
Homepage: none
Comments: I realy enjoyed looking at your website. All my life I have dreamed of flying a f-16 or anything for that matter. I am a student at Utah State University, And am enrolled in the flight technology program. I hope to fly for the comercial airlines after school. The program here is very good but it is exspensive. I was wondering if you might know of some ways I could get some money to go to my flight training. If you know of anything please email me if you have the extra time. I would greatly apretiate it. Thanks Dustin Hall

Posted: 11/14/1999
Name: Mike Drouillard
Email: dont know
Homepage: ice man
Comments: Write comment here cool pictures thats what i'm gunna be when i get a few years older jet pilot

Posted: 11/17/1999
Name: jordy van berlo
Email: jordyvanberlo@yahoo.nl
Comments: very very nice side

Posted: 11/17/1999
Name: Jelle harren
Email: Jelleharren@hotmail.com
Comments: Hallo ik ben Jelle en ik kom uit Nederland. Ik wou vragen of u misschien informatie had over de volgende onderwerpen: -De cockpit -De piloten -Waarom een vliegtuig vliegt Alvast bedankt Vriendelijke groeten Jelle From the Netherlands

Posted: 11/17/1999
Name: Alfredo Remy Oyague
Email: prevac@aerocontinente.com.pe
Comments: Write comment here I´m a pilot & accident prevention officer in AeroContinente Airline in Peru South America. Its a very interesting material and very instructive. Thanks .

Posted: 11/17/1999
Email: belk@acc-net.com

Posted: 11/17/1999
Name: steve
Email: happy3@gateway.net
Comments: hi great site. is there any way possible to get some measurements of the f16 cockpit? i'm building one for the falcon game thank for any help.

Posted: 11/19/1999
Name: Steve
Email: flieger@aol.com
Comments: Outstanding! Even if you are a "one engine" driver! Couldn't resist that. Superb photos and great content. "Fought" some of your compatriots at times...flying out of Soesterberg and Bitburg...but that was before you were in ENJJPT. Best wishes!! Steve, Major, USAF "G-Man" Eagle Driver

Posted: 11/19/1999
Name: pierre becker jeppesen
Email: har ingen
Comments: jeg er het vild den danske F16 og jeg håber også at engang selv kan komme til at flyve sådanne en.

Posted: 11/21/1999
Name: Jim McCoid
Email: jpkmccoid@aol.com
Comments: Great website! How can I get some information on the B-58 Hustler? Thanks.

Posted: 11/22/1999
Name: Stony02
Email: stony2@hotmail.com
Comments: Keep up the good work !!

Posted: 11/25/1999
Name: Dario Pehar
Email: www.dariopeharhotmail@.com
Comments: du har en fed hjemmeside det er bare søndt at ikke har flere informationer om andre fly som: F-14 Tomcat,F-15,F-117, Mig-29 og andre vigtige fly. Hvis du fylder dem på din hjemmeside bliver den den bedste i Danmark.

Posted: 11/28/1999
Name: Matthias
Email: Matthias_Blaeul@gmx.de
Comments: I have to say that this HP is a very good one .It features are very interesting and many informations are given.Thats a good way to work. Carry on !!!!

Posted: 11/28/1999
Name: D.A. Isgrig
Email: daisg@wazoo.com
Comments: Wite comment here - I will collect up some old squadron mates that flew out of Soesterbrg in F-86's, F-100's , F 102's and F-4s. I personally spent a tour in the 102 from '65 to '68, was flight test officer. perhaps we can get the history of the 32 on your web page. Cheers, DA Isgrig

Posted: 12/3/1999
Name: J. WILSON.

Posted: 12/3/1999
Name: Minne Boelens
Email: m.boelens@xs4all.nl
Homepage: Military Aircraft Communications
Comments: Hi, Just wanted to complement you on your beautifull site! Good show! Minus

Posted: 12/5/1999
Name: kalhøj
Email: brukal@hotmail.com
Comments: Fed side, er det noget du har haft fingrene i RUN?

Posted: 12/6/1999
Name: Joel Hare
Email: harejoel@hotmail.com
Comments: This site is very good i like it 10/10

Posted: 12/7/1999

Posted: 12/8/1999

Posted: 12/10/1999
Name: Bryan Carrubba
Email: ebryan@telepak.net
Comments: What a great site! And all the links. Makes an old fighter squadron maintenance chief's heart beat a little faster. Thanks.

Posted: 12/10/1999
Name: Anne Medema
Email: de_geweldenaar@hotmail.com
Comments: Great page and very good links!! If anyone has pictures of fighter crashes please sent me.

Posted: 12/12/1999
Name: Peter Voetmann
Email: peter_voetmann@telus.net
Comments: My father was in the danish airforce In AAlborg squadron 726 in the mid sixties flying F104. I wantecd to see some old pictures of F104 annd F86 if you had some See you Peter Voetmann

Posted: 12/13/1999
Name: leif jensen.
Email: har ingen det er arbejdspladsen.
Comments: Skriv indlæg her.Det er en god og lærig galleri.

Posted: 12/15/1999
Name: Victor M. Diaz
Email: katmontoo@cs.com
Comments: Hello! Just wanted to say thanks for the great pictures! Me Avionics Tech USAF 1977-1981. Maintained F-4D, first generation F-16A/B at Hill AFB, Utah and MacDill AFB, FL. Thanks for the memories! CHECK SIX!

Posted: 12/15/1999
Name: Avianet
Email: avianet.nl
Homepage: www.avianet.nl
Comments: nice page click: avianet.nl

Posted: 12/15/1999
Name: Charles E "Chuck" Nienhaus
Email: chucknie@gateway.net
Homepage: My Yahoo
Comments: Fantastic!! It put a lump in my throat. I served way back in 1945. Saw no combat but was trained and ready! I'm 72 now and will never forget when I was 18 and flying in some of those wonderful planes. Thanks for bringing it all back for me! Chuck Nienhaus ARM3C

Posted: 12/18/1999
Name: fhuisman
Email: fhuisman@wanadoo.nl
Homepage: Huisman's home page
Comments: civiel aviation and more

Posted: 12/18/1999
Name: Grace Gaylord
Email: gracegaylord@juno.com
Comments: Hello! How are you? I am fine.

Posted: 12/18/1999
Name: Kevin Upton
Email: uptonkevin@hotmail.com
Comments: I LOVE THIS SITE.It kicks ass and I love the interactive F16 part.But I still must say that the Australian Airforce is the best in the world

Posted: 12/19/1999  
Name: alan
Email: devildog0357
Comments: Write comment here sorry i dont know my e mail I'll get it to you later

Posted: 12/19/1999
Name: Arthur
Email: Luftwafeaf@aol.com
Homepage: DesertFoxx.net
Comments: Fantastic web site I love the top 100 ITS THE BOMB

Posted: 12/20/1999  
Name: devildog0357
Email: devildog0357@aol.com
Comments: love the pictures

Posted: 12/22/1999
Name: Nick Hengmann
Comments: Your homepages is on of the greatest according flying ! Well done ! Nick H. JetRanger Pilot, Austrian Air force

Posted: 12/25/1999
Name: aldon wickliffe
Email: finished1@juno.com
Comments: very nice thanks

Posted: 12/25/1999
Name: Luis Carlos Amaral Laranjeira
Email: rop65972@mail.telepac.pt
Comments: Very goog Sites with great photos.

Posted: 12/26/1999
Name: Robert Keith
Email: JoanKth@aol.com
Comments: I love the pictures, It gives me a boost to what type of plane I want to fly when I get older

Posted: 12/26/1999
Name: Werner Bergmans
Email: wbergmns@dse.nl
Homepage: Fighter Planes
Comments: Nice site, also please have a look at my Fighter Planes site.

Posted: 12/27/1999
Name: Donald L. Schmidt
Email: w0anz@arrl.net
Comments: Combat Aircrewman on the Navy PB4Y-2. Trained in Jacksonville, FL. Attended Aviation Radio school in Memphis, TN and Aerial Gunnery in Purcell, OK. Like to hear from anyone who might have trained in these places, 1944-45.

Posted: 12/30/1999
Name: CINDY & BARB[sister-in-laws]
Email: cmcase@chc.quik.co.nz
Comments: Very interesting looking through your page's KAI-ORA from New Zealand

Posted: 12/30/1999
Name: Richard "Larsh" Barlow
Email: rickbarlow@home.com
Homepage: Rick's Hangar
Comments: Great site! Good Links! I'm hoping some friends find me surfing here. I'm helping organize a "reunion" of former employees, customers, of Hawaii Air Academy (HNL 1969-1982?) sometime in 2000. anyone needing more info please contact me, and also visit my home page! Thanks! Aloha! Rick.

Posted: 12/31/1999

Posted: 1/1/2000
Name: Marc Pouwels
Email: marc_pouwels@excite.com
Comments: Nice side, hope to see lots of info in 2000, happy newyear to all of you.

Posted: 1/2/2000
Name: James Raby
Email: Bearcat@freeuk.com
Homepage: Lancer's Homepage
Comments: Nice site. It is good to see so many sites which are dedicated to aviation. Many of them are of the highest quality.

Posted: 1/5/2000
Name: Nick
Email: maxsea@paradise.net.nz
Comments: Great site will take a while to get through this lot. Anyone want to talk aviation in what ever form drop me a line. ICQ 35902548

Posted: 1/5/2000
Name: Charles E "Chuck" Nienhaus ARM3/C
Email: chucknie@gateway.net
Comments: Schooled in radio & radar at NATTC, Memphis, Tenn. Then gunnery and operational training in combat aircrew VB4 OTU3 & ATU4 in Jax, Miami & Whiting Field, Florida..1944 1945.Flew in PB4Y2 Privateers. Fantastic Aircraft!!!

Posted: 1/6/2000
Name: mike stanley
Email: sstanleyclan.aol
Comments: Write comment here Me and my family like your site.

Posted: 1/6/2000
Name: Robin G. Puryear
Email: aviavizs@bellsouth.net
Comments: Write comment here What a great site!!!Friend sent it to me, all I can say is WOW! Keep up the good work.

Posted: 1/7/2000
Name: David L. Bradley
Email: Ltdlb@aol.com
Comments:  I just found this site and I realy enjoyed it . I am a pilot and the aircraft were great as well as the back grounds behind them . I realy enjoyed them. Thanks for sharring them. Dave

Posted: 1/8/2000
Name: Kevin Patrick
Email: kevinpatrick@worldnet.att.net
Comments: Super Site! I collect ejection seats and need detailed info for a Saab 73SE-F seat for a J-35 Draken. The seat I have has no parachute pack or lap bets /shoulder harnesses. It does have some leg restaint (?) straps (4 each) in front. If you have any info/pics/or a source for parts please let me know Thanks! Kevin kevinpatrick@worldnet.att.net

Posted: 1/8/2000
Name: Jessica McFadden
Email: Jesmcf1111@hot mail.com
Comments: Hey john its Karens cousin, Just lookin at your page. enjoyed it! Jessica:)

Posted: 1/11/2000
Name: Sharryn Bowen
Email: shazzby@start.com.au
Comments: Great site with lots of information to go to.Keep up the good work!!

Posted: 1/11/2000
Name: Louisa Østergaard
Email: louisa@mobilixnet.dk
Comments: Skriv indlæg her Den bedste hjemmeside om emnet. Flot arbejde.

Posted: 1/11/2000
Name: Jacek Remiasz
Email: jacek@aeroseek.com
Homepage: Aeroseek: Aviation Search Engine and Directory
Comments: Excellent site. I enjoyed my stay. Jacek

Posted: 1/11/2000
Name: Jacek Remiasz
Email: jacek@aeroseek.com
Homepage: Aeroseek: Aviation Search Engine and Directory
Comments: Excellent site. I enjoyed my stay. Jacek

Posted: 1/17/2000
Name: Chris Gilliland
Email: chris_gilliland@mindspring.com
Comments: Nice job, site is much faster (9:40 Central Standard Time) keep up the good work!!! Chris

Posted: 1/21/2000
Name: Jim Lair
Email: L Katz Jammer@Aol.Com
Comments:  It is the best Aviation site,I have been on.Keep up the Excellent work.

Posted: 1/21/2000
Name: Jim Lair
Email: L Katz Jammer@Aol.Com
Comments:  IT is the best aviation site i have been on.Keep up the good work. GOD BLESS Jim L

Posted: 1/21/2000
Name: Exploration Products
Email: epcamps@epcamps.com
Homepage: Exploration Products
Comments: Excellent site, enjoyed my visit

Posted: 1/23/2000
Name: Peter M Ahrens
Email: PeepDayton1@Gateway.net
Comments: 'Enjoy this page very much! I would like to be included in as many video oportunities as possible. THX, Peter

Posted: 1/23/2000
Name: Chris
Email: christoclos3000@hotmail.com
Homepage: Montreal-Mirabel Intrenational Airport Page
Comments: Nice site. I like it a lot. Come visite my site on Montreal's Mirabel Airport.

Posted: 1/26/2000
Name: arza
Email: Arza_81@mailcity.com
Comments: space too small for picture

Posted: 1/26/2000
Name: Butch Albury
Email: Harleycop1@AOL.Com
Comments:  I love this site. I found it because I'm looking for some pictures of aircraft and the symbol of the US Navy Squadren, Grim Reapers. Any one with information on this, I would love it. Thanks

Posted: 1/27/2000
Name: Ryan Knopp
Email: Backoff63
Comments: I realy want to be a Airforce Fighter Piolt!

Posted: 1/29/2000
Name: Anders Haakonssson
Email: a_haakonsson@hotmail.com
Homepage: ahaak.8m.com
Comments: Tak for at der er lavet en sådan en briliant side på DANSK! Jeg har haft meget glæde af denne side, og dennes links, så jeg syntes at en lille tak måtte være på sin plads. TAK!

Posted: 1/30/2000
Name: Dick Gorter
Email: drgorter@planet.nl
Comments: Write comment here Nice show!!!

Posted: 1/31/2000

Posted: 1/31/2000
Name: Stenger
Email: stenger@mail.tele.dk
Comments:  Er der nogen hjemme???? Modtog I ikke min julehilsen eller er der bare sure miner i Texas????

Posted: 1/31/2000
Name: John B
Comments: Enjoyable viewing with interesting features. will look in again. Cheers!!!!

Posted: 2/1/2000
Name: Nicolaj Skov
Comments: Det er en meget god side, jeg vil gerne anbefalde den til min venner. Hilsen Nicolaj

Posted: 2/1/2000
Name: Brian Bryde
Email: Bambi_Bryde@yahoo.dk
Comments: Det er en spændende hjemmeside du har. Nogle af billederne kommer fra et blad som hedder pilot, ikke osse?

Posted: 2/2/2000
Name: Chad B.
Email: randc@geotec.net
Comments: Write comment here cool site! the F16 is favorite jet in the hole Airforce.Keep up the good work!

Posted: 2/2/2000
Name: Jesper Romby
Email: ann_romby@hotmail.com
Comments: Det er en god side

Posted: 2/3/2000
Name: Night Rails Video productions
Email: Railcrew@nbnet.nb.ca
Comments: Aircraft videos for sale.Military aircraft TBM Avenger water bombers.

Posted: 2/4/2000
Name: Ole
Comments: Skide god hjemmeside til en projekt

Posted: 2/7/2000
Name: boxhauler
Email: dc8dude@worldnet.att.net
Homepage: Boxhauler's Place
Comments: Got message to get new top 100 code. Where do I get it. Also, can't find my site.

Posted: 2/9/2000
Name: John Stenger
Email: stenger@mail.tele.dk
Comments: Jeg ved ikke om du fik min mail, men vi fik din, som den første siden 09-10-99. vi har sendt et par stykker siden - har I modtaget dem? Vi fandt billed- erne, hvad skal vi gøre ved dem.

Posted: 2/11/2000
Name: MIR (C.C. Rasmussen)
Email: BOF721@hotmail.com
Comments: Hej RUN Hvordan gaar det. Du fik aldrig meldt tilbage om du fik de slides jeg mailede til dig, men jeg gaar ud fra at de var ok. Lige nu er jeg i Californien paa National Test Pilot School, paa et 3 ugers kursus i hvordan man udfoerer OT&E, og det er ret spaendende. Der er meget mere til det end jeg umiddelbart havde ventet. Hvordan har I det (Karen, the kids, TAR og co.) Hvis du har mulighed maa du meget gerne maile tilbage, som du kan se til BOF's email. Mange hilsener MIR

Posted: 2/12/2000
Name: Frank W. McNaboe
Email: fmcnaboe1@cs.com
Comments:  Visited your site, I found it most interesting with very good graphics. Nice Job !

Posted: 2/12/2000
Name: Frank W. McNaboe
Email: fmcnaboe1@cs.com
Comments:  Visited your site, I found it most interesting with very good graphics. Nice Job !

Posted: 2/14/2000
Name: lasse brodersen
Email: eud99b05@gts.dk
Comments: hej run jeg ikke om du kan huske mig jeg er ehlers brodersen´s minste søn lasse bare en lille hilsen men have det godt

Posted: 2/14/2000
Name: lasse brodersen
Email: eud99b05@gts.dk
Comments: jeg glemte lige og spøre om du vil smide et par bomber for mig vis jeg bliver terrorist.

Posted: 2/14/2000
Name: Wolter de Ruiter
Email: wolter@cantv.net.
Comments: The best i ever have seen. Een ex MLD er. Woont nu in Venezuela. Groetjes aan alle oude bekenden: Wolter.ite comment here

Posted: 2/16/2000
Name: Marcy
Email: seals@accesstoledo.com
Comments: Found your site while looking up information that my daughter needed for a homework assignment. I found it very useful and interesting. I am telling a few friends who also love flying about it. I am sure they will visit your sight.

Posted: 2/16/2000
Name: Edward F. Pagett
Email: efpagett@optusnet.com.au
Comments: A great website!

Posted: 2/17/2000
Name: Michael Walsh
Email: m.walsh@ns.sympatico.ca
Comments: Excellent site liked it very good pics

Posted: 2/18/2000
Name: larry S
Comments: Cool Site!!!!!!

Posted: 2/18/2000
Name: Charles R. Taliaferro
Email: charles@taliaferro.net
Comments: You web site is one of the greatest avistion resources on the internet!

Posted: 2/19/2000
Name: kasper holme hansen
Email: holme.hansen@get2net.dk
Comments: hej med jer! flot hjemmeside i holder jer.niels har lige vist mig siden. Havde jo hørt om den, var ikke klar over hvor den var.Håber i alle har det godt og ser frem til vi mødes i april til storebroders bryllup. De bedste hilsner fra Mette,Rasmus,Bente og Kasper

Posted: 2/20/2000
Name: Neil Page
Email: neilpage@compuserve.com
Homepage: Defending the Reich: The Sturmgruppen 1944
Comments: Write comment here Cool site !! Had to change the code for my aviation 100 banner to work, but it does !!

Posted: 2/20/2000
Name: Finn Jensen
Email: finnwjensen@gateway.net
Comments: Write comment here Good site

Posted: 2/21/2000
Name: Michael Braznell
Email: mick-rock@supanet.com
Comments: Had a good look at your web site and found it to be brill and the f14 bullit job mind blowing THANKS MICK PS SEE YOU AT COTTERSMORE FOR THE R.I.A.T

Posted: 2/21/2000
Name: Phoenix
Email: Phoenixgs@earthlink.net
Comments: I Am A cable Installer, Mostly I have been Installing the Cable Modems In the Cleveland Ohio, USA Area. I Use This Web Site And Others To Show Speed To the Subscriber. They All Love It.....

Posted: 2/22/2000
Name: Sven Bæk Poulsen
Email: Fightingfalcon260581@inorbit.com
Comments: Hay RUN. Kanon flot hjemmeside, specielt de gode billeder! Et bette ? Er der nogen fra eskadrillerne der bruger FALCON 4.0 som "hjemmesimulator"? En fløjn hilsen fra en wannabe' Pilot S.B.Poulsen (SOR)

Posted: 2/23/2000
Name: marc watts
Email: shivers_2001@hotmail.com
Comments: awsome page need more info!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 2/24/2000
Name: frits
Email: f.wijnja@home.nl
Comments: very nice website thank you frits sneek the netherlands

Posted: 2/24/2000
Name: W.J.Das / friends
Email: wjanneke@tref.nl
Comments: Nice site !! We will visit the open day this year, and we hope that organisation will pay attention to the fact that many enthousiasts are going to make pictures, please notice if possible the way planes are going to be placed (sun in your back) We wish you succes with the organisation !

Posted: 2/24/2000
Homepage: DUH

Posted: 2/25/2000
Name: wyman emery
Email: joywyemery@cs.com
Comments: Please advise how I can click on a site and go there. I.e. Schultz' Airshow Site Thanks Wyman Emery p.s. Any database on Air Museums Could not figure out how to use the search engine

Posted: 2/26/2000
Name: woody
Email: woodycollins@excite.com
Comments: this site rules a just put it on my favorites list

Posted: 2/26/2000
Name: leme@the crow
Email: xinamus@yahoo.com
Comments: That's a page well done, very good pictures. i saw your pic. i took (save) several pictures. Link "interactice f16" that's great too. CYA- I'm Portuguese

Posted: 2/28/2000
Name: Wonwoo, Yang
Email: yangww@hanmail.net
Homepage: Wonwoo's Airplane
Comments: Hello, I am Korean(South)This sites is good~ My homepage is airplane too. Do you think that I don't write English? I think that I don't skeak Eng and write. These crest is different from grammar. But You pardon me... This site is excellent!!!

Posted: 2/28/2000
Name: Mateja BOREC
Email: mateja.borec@siol.net
Comments: Ciao, I would like to point out that I like this site.That is why I am shure, someone can help me by the following problem: WHERE CAN I GET THE INFORMATION ON ALL AIRSHOWS AND DISPLAY DATES OF ALL ACROBATIC GROUPS IN THE YEAR 2000 (only Europe)? I heard there will be one in England in August.I will visit it if there will be at least 4 of this acrobatic groups.In case someone knows anything, please contact me on my e-mail adress. Have a nice flight everyone. Mateja from Slovenia

Posted: 2/29/2000
Name: Stephen
Email: stephen1@forum.dk
Comments: Du må være stolt af at være en F16 pilot. Måske kan vi flyve sammen en skønne dag. hej fra Stephen G.

Posted: 3/2/2000
Name: andrew stevens
Email: i.esken.hotmaile.com
Comments: show me good aircrifers

Posted: 3/3/2000
Name: Thomas Adam Trent
Email: adamant82@hotmail.com
Comments: will you send me some informant at my E-mail adderss Thank you for your time. Thomas Adam Trent

Posted: 3/3/2000
Name: Jose Yunes
Email: maplusa@yahoo.com
Comments: Write comment here Great page I would like to have more information about air shows in this year, and also information about flying schools near in Texas. Thank you.

Posted: 3/4/2000
Email: pilots_com@yahoo.com
Homepage: pilots_com
Comments: dear sir, i a member of your aviation týp 100 site i intall your banner on my web page but your jpg or gif file couldnt see on it you can only see border and alt text on it may be something wrong with your banner text please correct it.and send us a e mail. thanx

Posted: 3/4/2000
Name: james cooley
Email: coolhead@hotmail.com
Comments: the interactive f-16 was neat. I am a 32year old aviation fan since the age of 4 or 5 years old. the f-16 is one of my favorite military aircraft and one of the coolest to see in an airshow. thank you for a cool aviation webstite coolhead@hotmail.com

Posted: 3/6/2000
Name: Cal
Email: LoneEagle3333@aol.com
Comments: Congratulations on a great webpage! I just heard about a new novel about a B17 pilot and ordered the book (The Triumph & the Glory)from barnesandnoble.com. I read it with great interest and highly recommend it to everyone who has an interest in WWII aviation. It's a fitting tribute to all the fellows who fought the air war over Europe.

Posted: 3/6/2000
Email: bookmonger@netzero.com
Comments: Great place to visit.

Posted: 3/6/2000
Name: Bob Dunn
Email: bobandnancydunn1@juno.com
Comments: Write comment here Always enjoy info on aircraft, especially the wwll variety. Looking for sources for partsfor restorers and homebuilders

Posted: 3/7/2000
Name: Cato Mortensen
Email: cat
Comments: The video link don`t work. Great site!!. Cato

Posted: 3/7/2000
Name: Robert W Taylor
Email: rwtaylor@oxford.net
Comments: Interested in avation for my self and also my uncle was postmaster at Moltin. Also I have a friend that worked at AVRO at that time.

Posted: 3/7/2000
Name: Matthew nunn
Email: menunn@sebas.vic.edu.au
Comments: this is fucking great site

Posted: 3/7/2000
Name: travis walker
Email: tgwalker@sebas.vic.edu.au
Comments: www.avitop is the best plane site

Posted: 3/7/2000
Name: daniel herbertson
Email: djherbertson@sebas.vic.edu.au
Comments: this fucking rules

Posted: 3/10/2000
Name: Torbjorn Akerstedt
Email: torbjorn.akerstedt@vi.se
Comments: New issue of the Swedish Journal of Military Technology will be at our subscribers at March 28. Order your own subscription at e-mail above (just SEK 195, approx USD 23) or e-mail me for a free test-copy.

Posted: 3/12/2000
Name: robert j stewart
Email: rjstewjr@aol.com
Comments: Was a PBY crewman, 45/49 and presently own and fly a Cessna 177B

Posted: 3/13/2000
Name: Geronimo Mena. Jr.
Email: pilot444@bellsouth.net
Homepage: Boca Raton News
Comments: Please e-mail me any aviation information that's current. Specifically, general aviation accidents, single-engine land plane research, etc. Thanks

Posted: 3/13/2000
Name: Sgt. Davy Rombouts
Email: davy@office.worldonline.be
Homepage: unofficial homepage of the Belgian Airforce²
Comments: Nice site, especially your own pics. I am a student-pilot in the Belgian Airforce and I hope also to fly f-16 like you. It's my first year and I am now starting flying on the Marchetti. os wish me good luck. No Reds in Belgian Blue

Posted: 3/13/2000
Name: N Petersen
Email: 747-400@cyberdude.dk
Comments: Flot side, med mange spændende funktioner!

Posted: 3/14/2000
Name: mbnunn
Email: mbnunn@sebas.vic.edu.au
Comments: mate this place is just great mate

Posted: 3/15/2000
Name: Per Olufsen
Email: peroluf@post5.tele.dk
Homepage: Aviation WebSite Denmark 2000
Comments: Hej RUN.. Jeg var lige forbi for at se på hvilken plads min hjemmeside ligger, - sidst jeg var her lå den på 136. pladsen, - men nu er den helt væk..Hvad skyldes det, - er der ikke nogen der besøger den mere...? Håber på at høre fra dig. MVH Per Olufsen

Posted: 3/16/2000
Name: A. Anthony
Email: Webmaster@PT7.com
Homepage: PlaneTalk7.com
Comments: Nice site.

Posted: 3/16/2000
Name: M Brodersen
Email: SiberianHusky@forum.dk
Comments:  Fed side!! Især det med F-16 var godt lavet.

Posted: 3/19/2000
Name: Sharon Traut
Email: wingnut102_24@yahoo.com
Comments: Excellent site. Awesome pics. Great info on the f-16. One of the best sites I've seen.

Posted: 3/22/2000
Name: Mike Johnson
Email: mvjohnson_BVUB@juno.com
Comments: Really cool site! Keep up the great work!!

Posted: 3/23/2000
Email: bradley reynolds@windermereps.vic.edu.au
Comments: Hi my name is Bradley Reynolds and i am crazy about airoplanes helicopters and jets. I hope i can be a polet. can you reply. From Bradley Reynolds

Posted: 3/23/2000
Name: Nick M
Email: nicholasmorcombe@windermereps.vic.edu.au
Comments: I think the site is great. I love all the pictures. This is defently a site to bookmark. From Nick

Posted: 3/24/2000
Name: peter thornley

Posted: 3/26/2000
Name: river yang
Email: yadlym7@163.net
Comments: how are you!

Posted: 3/27/2000
Name: oda jensen
Email: odaj@forum.dk
Comments: hej! jeg vil bae lige hilse på vi ses vel snart. hilsen til jer alle

Posted: 3/27/2000
Name: Ken Hiltz
Email: thudjock@airmail.net
Comments: enjoyed this gallery very much

Posted: 3/28/2000
Name: Thomas Ahne
Email: ahne@planet-interkom.de
Homepage: Airshows
Comments: A great homepage. I will send you a picture soon. Have a look at the pictures on my homepage.

Posted: 3/31/2000
Name: Martin Shalek
Email: martys@usacoop.com
Comments: I am sorry to tell you, with all the POP-UP AD'S and all the Advertisements, your Website is mess and can not be navigated. Too Bad

Posted: 3/31/2000
Name: Nick Wheeless
Email: nipelie@hotmail.com
Comments: i like this website

Posted: 3/31/2000
Name: Elbert Lumenier
Email: elbken10
Comments: This site is very neat!!!!!!

Posted: 3/31/2000
Name: Elbert Lumenier
Email: elbken10@setarnet.aw
Comments: This site is very neat!!!!!!

Posted: 3/31/2000
Name: Kenrick Lumenier
Email: elbken10@setarnet.aw
Comments: This site is very neat!!!!!!

Posted: 4/2/2000
Name: Adam jeffers
Email: adamjeffers@hotmail.com
Comments: Comprehensive site, well laid out and easy to use and navigate through. Some trainers would be nice for the amateurs out here! Cheers, Adam

Posted: 4/2/2000
Name: Gary Malkin
Email: Gary@det4.fsnet.co.uk
Comments: Very good photos,a very enjoyable site.Hope to see your aircraft at Mildenhall,Waddington,and RIAT.

Posted: 4/3/2000
Name: M. Laurent Bergem
Email: belau@pt.lu
Comments: I collect JET-HELMETS Anyone interested to share my hobby ?

Posted: 4/4/2000
Name: Kasper Gjerding
Email: joker_jay@email.com
Comments: Total fed side om F.16 Fighting Falcon! Totalt syrede, kommer snart igen!!! MVH Kasper Gjerding

Posted: 4/7/2000
Name: Matt
Email: matt17485@cableinet.co.uk
Homepage: Ultima Aircraft
Comments: Good web site just wondering whether at all possible in which I could use any pictures though for my web site

Posted: 4/8/2000
Name: Daniel Matchett
Comments: A very good site

Posted: 4/8/2000
Name: mick Braznell
Email: mick-rock@supanet.com
Comments: Enjoyed the Mig 29 and the gallery very much. I think this is a great site.. I have started to visit this site regulary. Just being checky and getting a quick plug in. At the mo im doing my web page. so if anyone is interestd in any military aircraft . I have approx 4 Thousand slide photos of Russian, European, American and British photos for sale. Look forward to seeing you all at Cottersmore for the I.A.T. 2000. MICK.

Posted: 4/11/2000
Name: Stenger
Email: stenger@mail.tele.dk
Comments: Jeg har sendt en email til Jer har I fået den.

Posted: 4/12/2000
Name: Nicholas Yanuzzi
Email: airyanuzzi@aol.com
Comments: Retired USAF. Love to visit avoation sites.

Posted: 4/14/2000
Name: Alcides Faria Jr
Email: alc-junior@uol.com.br
Comments: Very good site.I'm an brazilian officer and helicopter pilot. Congratulations!

Posted: 4/14/2000
Name: MICK
Email: mick-rock@supanet.com

Posted: 4/15/2000
Name: jonathon allen
Email: jonathon@allenb2.fsnet.co.uk
Comments: Top site! will visit again, see you at RIAT and the rest. BEST WISHES.

Posted: 4/16/2000
Name: Laurance Marvin Pub."Sky Guys"
Email: lmpuzzleman@skyguys.org
Homepage:  Sky Guys
Comments: Write comment here Please have some one contact me as we are always looking for photos and stories for our readers. MY partner was one of the development test pilots for the F-16 program!! ALL THE BEST....Laurance

Posted: 4/16/2000
Name: Terry Ferrell
Email: Santini@Gateway.net
Comments: Write comment here 1st visit from ex-jarhead grease monkey (A-4s & AV-8s). Yours is a great site. Informative and easy to nav. Kudos!

Posted: 4/17/2000
Name: Rolland L, Clark
Email: rollandclark@msn,com
Comments: Write comment here Very well done. Thank You R.Clark

Posted: 4/18/2000
Name: Alex Gregory
Email: ifly777s@hotmail.com
Comments: Great site buddy. Nice to see some F-16's , cause down here , we don't get any! (Australia)

Posted: 4/19/2000
Name: Kenneth Christiansen
Email: webservice@pc.dk
Homepage: Neo Design
Comments: Denne side er fantastisk flot, og med alt den info om forskellige ting som man kan se her på siden, gør virkelig at man for lyst til at komme igen, hvilket jeg også har planlagt. FED SIDE......du for et + af en professionel designer

Posted: 4/23/2000
Email: TurkishAviator@amtmail.com
Comments: hai from Turkey.. it was a good travel for me.. bye

Posted: 4/23/2000
Email: TurkishAviator@amtmail.com
Homepage: www.topair.com.tr
Comments: hello again, i also have trading planes in Turkey. please take a look at my homepage.and send me e-mail to TurkishAviator@amtmail.com thanks:)

Posted: 4/23/2000
Name: Mike Drouillard
Email: mikeyd47@hotmail.com
Comments: this is the best sight but i think you should be able to click on picture to make the picture full screen well thanks for listening to what i have to say ~mike~

Posted: 4/23/2000
Name: Uncle Gordan
Email: rvmobile@aol.com
Comments: Hi John, Gordan is my dad's brother. He told me to check out the web site. He said someday Karen, You, and us could together and discuss new trainees. Thanks, Valerie (Quinlan H.S.)

Posted: 4/26/2000
Name: d kerr
Email: d3canyon@mindspring.com
Comments: nice clear pics and action photos

Posted: 4/26/2000
Name: Joel Hare
Email: harejoel@hotmail.com
Comments: this page is awesome

Posted: 5/1/2000
Name: Billy Slykhuis
Email: billyd@suscom.net
Comments: Write comment here As all Good Marines A well done Semper Fi

Posted: 5/1/2000
Name: captghazala
Email: kazi_aviation@usa.net
Comments: I need full details of all the services provided by you best regards capt ghazala

Posted: 5/1/2000
Name: Jean Hynes
Email: jean.hynes@smtp.cnet.navy.mil
Comments: Prior to this change, This website was a very helpful aid for finding info for our less experienced transferees! NOW, I can NOT find and of the avtive duty U S NAVY squadrons!! What happend ???

Posted: 5/2/2000
Name: neil john frickey
Email: frickey@golden.net
Comments: Just saying HELLO

Posted: 5/3/2000
Name: Debra
Email: thiemann@sun.pris.bc.ca
Comments: Write comment here Hi enjoyed your website. Was wondering if there was any way to get a down load of your one picture on the home page for a background on my computer. Thought that my dad might like it. If so could you please reply. Thank you for your time, yours truly, Debra

Posted: 5/3/2000
Name: Bryan Pierce
Email: piercebj@ascent.net
Comments: Just checking in to say hello and see what's here

Posted: 5/4/2000
Name: Craig
Email: gingellc2@cf.ac.uk
Comments: Just found this site.Good work.I cant find any pictures of a harrier though.Are there any on here?

Posted: 5/5/2000
Name: Karine
Email: kverhoest@hotmail.com
Comments: Pictures of this site are very beautiful and interresting!!!!! CONGRADULATION!!!!!!!! Karine

Posted: 5/5/2000
Name: Jacob Larsen
Email: Lagerstorf@hotmail.com
Comments: Davs. Jeg synes det er en god side du har men jeg synes godt du kunne skrive noget om billederne ellers er det en god hjemmeside. Hilsen Jacob

Posted: 5/8/2000
Name: Gabe Peña
Email: flyhighgabe@hotmail.com
Comments: excellent site, keep up the good work and the great pictures

Posted: 5/9/2000
Name: Simon
Comments: Hallo ich komme von der Schweiz

Posted: 5/13/2000
Name: Mike Becker
Email: mike@beckerhelicopters.com.au
Homepage: Becker Helicopters
Comments: We efficient and easy to use site.

Posted: 5/14/2000
Name: Nathan Lansdell
Email: andy@ntlworld.com
Comments: the web site was great i am comeing back soon. also i am looking for some aircraft fans to talk too (from any countrie)

Posted: 5/14/2000
Name: andrew feeser
Email: a-feeser@juno.com
Comments: I really like your site a lot! One thing I would work on is getting more pictures of the military aircraft such as the C-5 Galaxy, F-15 Eagle, F-14 Tomcat, F-117 Stealth, B-2 Spirit,etc. Another suggestion: maybee some older warbirds such as the P-51 Mustang, P-38 Lightning, B-17 Flying Fortresses, etc. Good Luck on your site! Keep up the good work! Sincerely, Andrew

Posted: 5/16/2000
Name: Søren Hansen
Email: crazy2@mail.tele.dk
Comments: Hvorfor er der ingen billeder af helikopter ???

Posted: 5/16/2000
Name: Jack
Email: XvStingray@aol.com
Comments: Anyone here played Falcon 4.0 yet? I've been a fond owner of 3.0 but I'm still pondering if I should shell out the $40.00. Email me if you think I oughta. Oh yeah... almost forgot. AWESOME page, dude... I mean really. This is goin' on the favorite places.

Posted: 5/16/2000
Name: Angela
Email: o0bublez0o_99@yahoo.com
Comments: I'm a student at Greene Central High going into 10th grade. I've been thinking about going into the Force for a while now and I'm relly interested. I want to go into the Airforce for child Neurology. I want to go in force for about 4 years and then go to collage for a few years.I guess that I'm tring to ask if there is anyway that you could send me information about the Airforce and what i wanna do while I'm there wether it's through the mail or e-mail. Thank-you, Angela Bidwell e-mail address is: o0bublez0o_99@yahoo.com home Address: Angela Bidwell 119 Cypress Rd. Box 354 Greene New York 13778

Posted: 5/17/2000
Name: Ken Dorsett
Email: kenneth.m.dorsett@lmco.com
Comments: Great website! I work for LM Aero in Fort Worth, so of course I'm biased!

Posted: 5/20/2000
Name: Justin
Email: justnbubba@aol.com
Comments: I love this site!Keep Up the Good work.God Bless the U.S.A.

Posted: 5/21/2000
Name: Boris Frank
Email: boris@luftwaffe-report.de
Homepage: Luftwaffe-Report | Online Militär-Magazin
Comments: This site ist not a good site... this site ist very, very HOT!!! Check six! Sorry, i entered a wrong URL!

Posted: 5/23/2000
Name: alex figuereo miranda
Email: fastlover26@mixmail.com
Comments: Write comment here i would like to recieve all about accidents and air traffic information

Posted: 5/23/2000
Name: Dodo
Comments: I´m the only German!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 5/23/2000
Name: StarFreeze
Comments: Nice Jet Page

Posted: 5/23/2000
Name: William
Email: airman@xtra.co.nzn/a
Comments: new boy on the block looking for 1914-1918 combat aircraft with particular emphasis on british aircraft

Posted: 5/26/2000
Name: Leon Hills
Email: Hillsleon@hotmail.com
Comments: Hi i am wondering if any one can help me i collect Airshow Programmes, i am looking for any sort of programmes old and new and i was wondering if any would like to sell or give me there programmes i am a keen airshow enthusiast if any one can help me then please E-mail me on HILLSLEON@HOTMAIL.COM thanks Leon Hils

Posted: 5/27/2000
Name: jessica
Email: x2QWK2Cx
Comments: I am very interested in aviation. I am looking for an aircraft that I saw-so far, no luck. Maybe you could help me!!

Posted: 5/28/2000
Name: Michael Metheny
Email: Hockey151@hotmail.com
Comments: I love planes, and i found this site, just browsin, It is a kewl site Keep it up ! :)

Posted: 5/28/2000
Name: Chris Mann
Email: chris.mann@bejasus.com
Homepage: Chris Mann's Home Page
Comments: You have a wonderfull site. I was in Denmark for a few hours last year when giving de-icing training. My site is amature compared to yours. You will have to give me some tips.

Posted: 5/28/2000
Email: HAWK19M@hotmail.com
Homepage: HAWK19M Homepage
Comments: Great site. A beauty.

Posted: 5/29/2000
Name: istemihan
Email: haki66@turk.net
Comments: Well done ! I will definitely keep an eye on your site . Regards from Turkey.

Posted: 6/1/2000
Name: John Lucas
Comments: top site full of informative information keeps me interested for hours

Posted: 6/2/2000
Name: C. Sturgeon
Email: csturgeon2@juno.com
Comments: Couldn't read your information for the stationary logos at the left of the page. (Avitop.com) There might be some good stuff if it were available.

Posted: 6/3/2000
Name: Cleber Mansur
Email: mansa2000@ig.com.br
Comments: Very good job Dan

Posted: 6/3/2000
Name: Martijn Maychrzak
Email: martijnmaychrzak@cs.com
Comments: Great site! Perhaps someone can tell me where to obtain Danish squadron badges (stofemblemer). I've written letters to squadrons, asked at airbases in Denmark. No luck so far. Maybe yo can help me.

Posted: 6/3/2000
Name: Ragnar Ragnars
Email: rr@simnet.is
Comments: Write comment here I just came across this address it surely looks promising

Posted: 6/4/2000
Name: chris wheat
Email: toothpic1000@aol.com
Comments: interested for flying for the service please send info

Posted: 6/5/2000
Name: Mike Chen
Email: mike006@hotmail.com
Homepage: Mike's Aircraft Homepage
Comments: This is an awesome page!

Posted: 6/5/2000
Name: LCDR Erik "Voodoo" Bjørnøy Olsen (Virtual!)
Email: erikols@c2i.net
Homepage: Erik's Homepage
Comments: Hey hey hey!!! Excellent site! I need a lot of information about fighterplanes so keep up the good work!! ;-)) LCDR Voodoo,

Posted: 6/9/2000
Name: Jan V. Arnsted
Comments: Flot, flot og meget flot. Mvh Jan

Posted: 6/9/2000
Name: Jax Hardt
Email: Jax_Hardy@hotmail.com
Comments: This is a cool site

Posted: 6/9/2000
Name: Ron Zerr
Email: rzerr@chinopd.org
Homepage: chinopd.org
Comments: Outstanding site, I'm a pilot and appreciate the photos.

Posted: 6/9/2000
Name: bradley woods
Email: thematrixhasbw@hotmail.com
Comments: cool site saw it on TV and thought i should check it out. see-ya, bradley

Posted: 6/10/2000
Name: Brian
Comments: Very cool site, I wish you had the pictures large enough to put as wallpaper on a 1024x768 display though. I am a pilot myself with almost 300 hours, soon to be an instructor. Anyway keep up the nice work with your site :)

Posted: 6/10/2000
Name: Brian
Email: MossimoZZZ@aol.com
Homepage: Amazing Search Engine Secrets
Comments: Very cool site, I wish you had the pictures large enough to put as wallpaper on a 1024x768 display though. I am a pilot myself with almost 300 hours, soon to be an instructor. Anyway keep up the nice work with your site :)

Posted: 6/12/2000
Name: Colonel John F. Thornell
Email: thornellva@earthlink.net
Comments: Enjoyed the visit! Always fun to revisit my Danish friends. Still partial to the old and venerable Viggen. Like my old A-6, the only way to see one is on the stick as at RDAFB Karup! Farvel, min ven e mange tak.

Posted: 6/12/2000
Name: Col John Thornell
Email: thornellva@earthlink.net
Comments: Hey, replace the word Viggen with Draken in my last message! Both subtend about 4 mils on the nose but the shock wave is a whole lot different! Check six.

Posted: 6/15/2000
Name:  vijay pulate
Email: vijay_pulate
Comments: Dear sir, Iam visiting your website.These are very good website. Thanks vijay pulate

Posted: 6/15/2000
Name:  vijay pulate
Email: vijay_pulate@hotmail.com
Comments: Dear sir, Iam visiting your website.These are very good website. Thanks vijay pulate

Posted: 6/17/2000
Name: Wally Walsh
Email: wally@surfsouth.com
Comments: Great pictures! I live near Moody AFB in Valdosta GA USA. There are F-16's at this base and I am friends with many people that have experience with these awesome "birds." I am a World War Two enthusiast and would love to trade some photos with anyone that has pictures of aircraft used by the Scandinavian Air Forces during this period. Thanks, and keep up the good work!

Posted: 6/18/2000
Name: Andree
Email: andree.mansson@lfv.se
Comments: Great site! I work as an air traffic controller in Malmö ATCC and I just wanted to check who's violating my airspace... *joke* As I recall I have never visited any danish F16 airbase... Can it be set up? The email above is for work. Jag bjuder på Tuborg. =) PS. I'm not a spy. I promise.

Posted: 6/20/2000
Name: ersen
Email: quattro_tiptronic@yahoo.com
Comments:  hi, I am an AH-1E pilot, and I want more info about attack helicopters, thanks.....

Posted: 6/21/2000
Name: Morten
Email: mortenskovgaard@forum.dk
Comments: Jeg syntes at det er en MEGA FED side med nogle kanon flotte billeder.

Posted: 6/21/2000
Name: chris
Email: cdockray@windmill.net
Comments: how did you make that pic of the f-16 with the water effect?

Posted: 6/21/2000
Name: waseem zaidi
Email: waseemzaidi@hotmail.com
Comments: Its a great site. Very impressive and informative.

Posted: 6/22/2000
Name: Carlos Torre de la Vega
Email: ctorre@jal.telmex.net.mx
Comments: Tremendous site I am an old retired pilot and currently a 15 years Flight Simmer and this is the first I visit your page and its very good

Posted: 6/22/2000
Name: Arnar Haugedal
Email: arnarhaug@c2i.net
Comments: Interesting! How did you make the picture of F-16 with the "water-effect"?

Posted: 6/23/2000
Name: Amy Troja
Email: amyjoy333@hotmail.com
Comments: I accidentally found your website when I was trying to check my school email account. Somehow the server was messed up and pointing to your site instead. That was the luckiest mistake. I've explored your site these last two days entirely too much, neglecting to be diligent while I'm here at work. When I was a little girl I dreamed of flying and wanted to be the first female Fighter pilot, well my horrible eyesight impeded me from ever becoming a fighter pilot but my love affair with aircraft continues. Someday I hope to get my pilot's liscence, in the meantime I'm finishing up my BA in Informatin Systems... It's practical but a far cry from flying. Your Site is awesome, thanks for doing such a great job keeping it up. ~Amy

Posted: 6/24/2000
Name: Jacob
Email: compaqjacob@forum.dk
Comments: det er en meget meget meget flot hjemmeside og flotte foto med venlig hilsen jacob

Posted: 6/24/2000
Name: vermylen pierre
Email: nankin2@skynet.be
Comments: very good site

Posted: 6/24/2000
Name: vermylen pierre
Email: anakin2@skynet.be
Comments: very good site

Posted: 6/25/2000
Name: Amit Kumar Das
Email: akdas@caltiger.com
Comments: Wow I was really impressed...the watery picture of the F-16 was really good..haw did you do it? Also I enjoyed the interactive F-16 tour...Keep up the good work.

Posted: 6/25/2000
Name: Karl Craigie
Email: kcraig002@aol.com
Comments: First visit to your site on June 25th, 2000. Downloaded the Hercules. Great Photo.

Posted: 6/27/2000
Name: jbh
Comments: this is the coolest web site ever i love it keep up the good work

Posted: 6/27/2000
Name: Ivalo Petersen
Email: petersen_9@yahoo.dk
Comments: nice page you have!

Posted: 6/27/2000
Name: Normann Olsen
Email: normann@greennet.gl
Comments: I Love it!

Posted: 6/27/2000
Name: Storyteller
Comments: Torrak! Ivalo torraqaaq! qujanaq.

Posted: 6/28/2000
Name: Mal Tuohy
Email: malt@igg-tx.net
Comments:  First time I have visited your site. Great pictures. Keep up the good work. Loved your pictures of the F-16

Posted: 6/29/2000
Name: Chris V.
Email: wolfman5565099
Comments: This is one of the best airplane sites I've been to I liked some of your pictures they are ok the best one I liked was the F-16,F-15,F-14, Thunderbirds,and the Blue Angeles. bye.

Posted: 6/29/2000
Name: rty
Comments: ty

Posted: 6/30/2000
Name: Peter Tonkov
Comments: Beaytifuuuul

Posted: 6/30/2000
Name: Peter Tonkov
Comments: Weii its a parfekt one.I like it.

Posted: 7/1/2000
Name: adam Panitz
Comments: These site is one of the best that I have seen in a while, the pics are great but try to get some of the aircraft at airshows or at special events. I rate these site 9/10 great job on designing these sites.

Posted: 7/1/2000
Name: v.kirupanand
Email: kirupanand@usa.net
Comments: add more aircraft photos

Posted: 7/1/2000
Name: Rene Hansen
Email: rh@hbr.dk
Homepage: HBR
Comments: Skulle finde nogle billeder til mine knægte og fandt derfor Jers side. Og jeg må sige deres gamle far er lige så facineret af jeres flotte hjemmeside som drengende.

Posted: 7/2/2000
Name: john domurat
Email: jdom100629@aol.com
Comments: i enjoy your site

Posted: 7/4/2000
Name: Douglas Short
Email: dshort3713@aol.com
Comments: A great web site. I enjoyed it very much and will be back.

Posted: 7/5/2000
Name: Ernie
Email: Ernie@Aviationlinks.net
Homepage: AviationLinksLLC
Comments: I like this page. I found it through a site in the U.K.. I am from Oregon in the U.S.A.

Posted: 7/11/2000
Name: Michelle
Email: Carithersa@aol.com
Comments: Write comment hereI'm looking for information on Tendal Roy Nelms. He was M.i.a in 1951.

Posted: 7/12/2000
Name: Sören Heiler
Comments: Geile Seite!Wirklich sehr interresant!Weiter so

Posted: 7/12/2000
Name: Jennie M. Kilbourne
Email: Hotpink1951@hotmail.com
Comments: Write comment here..Thank you for the beautiful pictures of our Aviation Aircraft. It is a wonderful and relaxing way to see where the "Few" go. God Bless. JMK.

Posted: 7/12/2000
Name: Marc Egg
Email: marcegg@gmx.ch
Homepage: Marcs Aviation World
Comments: Cool Homepage, for all Swiss Aviation Friends, visit my Homepage, and join the Swiss Aviation Spotter Ring!

Posted: 7/12/2000
Name: Jason Moors
Email: jasonmoors@hotmail.com
Comments: I'm wondering if there is a website dealing with the latest developments in military life support such as oxygen masks, helmets,etc. If anyone can help,please e-mail me.

Posted: 7/12/2000
Name: John C. McCrory
Email: Professor@dp.net
Comments: Write comment here 119 Second St. Allenport, Pa. 15412 463rd. Bomb Grp. 773 Bomg Sqd. Foggia, Italy. 1945 Any one who remembers me , please send me an E-mail or snail mail. Thank you.Jack

Posted: 7/12/2000
Name: John C. McCrory
Email: Professor@dp.net
Comments: Write comment here 119 Second St. Allenport, Pa. 15412 463rd. Bomb Grp. 773 Bomg Sqd. Foggia, Italy. 1945 Any one who remembers me , please send me an E-mail or snail mail. Thank you.Jack

Posted: 7/13/2000
Name: Charbel
Email: charby81@hotmail.com
Homepage: Stealth Dynamics
Comments: From Aussie land. Sydney. Beautiful site. i love military air planes hence my net address. Charbel :)

Posted: 7/14/2000
Name: Claus Bobjerg
Comments: Flot hjemmeside !!!!! Den vil blive besøgt igen.

Posted: 7/14/2000
Name: G R Mohan
Email: grmohan@eth.net
Comments: A very intersting site. I like the collection of information and links avialable. Keep it up.

Posted: 7/14/2000
Name: G R Mohan
Email: grmohan@eth.net
Comments: A very intersting site. I like the collection of information and links avialable. Keep it up.

Posted: 7/14/2000
Name: G R Mohan
Email: grmohan@eth.net
Comments: A very intersting site. I like the collection of information and links avialable. Keep it up.

Posted: 7/16/2000
Name: Bob Crowe
Email: bcrowe1234@aol.com
Comments: Very interesting site lots of very usefull info. Keep up the good work.

Posted: 7/16/2000
Name: Bob Crowe
Email: bcrowe1234@aol.com
Homepage: bobcroweaircraft.com
Comments: Very interesting site lots of very usefull info. Keep up the good work.

Posted: 7/16/2000
Name: ed t baret
Email: n2nyw@worldnet.att.net
Comments: a very fine and interesting website.well done. ed.Write comment here

Posted: 7/18/2000
Name: Philip "falcon" Poppe
Email: Phlyp@tds.net
Comments: Great site! Love the gallery. Keep up the good work.

Posted: 7/18/2000
Name: David Velho
Email: mkvelho@hotmail.com
Comments: Hello from Langley Air Force Base, Hampton Va, USA. Great site. Being in the USAF I am interested in all fighter aircraft, especialy the F-16. Thanks, Dave V.

Posted: 7/19/2000
Name: Josh Davis
Comments: Howdy

Posted: 7/19/2000
Name: Dusan
Email: Vukotic
Homepage: pilot
Comments: Nice site!!!!!!!

Posted: 7/19/2000
Name: Dusan Vukotic
Email: avijaticar@hotmail.com
Homepage: pilot
Comments: Nice site!!!!!!! Invitation to all pilots to visit my site and to contact me!!!

Posted: 7/19/2000
Name: Dusan Vukotic
Email: avijaticar@hotmail.com
Homepage: http://www.avijacija.co.yu/pilot
Comments: Nice site!!!!!!! Invitation to all pilots to visit my site and to contact me!!!

Posted: 7/19/2000
Name: Gabry & Max
Email: cowboygabry@libero.it
Homepage: Malpensa Spotter Page
Comments: Nice site good work!

Posted: 7/21/2000
Name: Roger Allen Johnson III
Email: rjohnsn@cableone.net
Comments: great page.....

Posted: 7/21/2000
Email: averhoog@netcom.ca
Homepage: ART's PAGE
Comments: Wat een fijne verrassing. Valkenburg in mijn collectie. Uitzonderlijk mooie en vriendelijke pagina. Kom hier beslist vaak terug. Hobbies: Aviation (warplanes) and Amateur Radio. Check out my links and please sign? Fly low and slow:::: Art Verhoog (NAFRAS 222)

Posted: 7/22/2000
Email: airfan@freenet.de
Comments: Eine völlig überladene Homepage, dass liest sich kein Mensch durch . . .

Posted: 7/24/2000
Name: Rüdiger Ullrich
Email: crfischer@web.de
Comments: Where can i buy a stick from the F 16 to take it on my car-window. In german it means "Aufkleber".

Posted: 7/24/2000
Name: John
Comments: I usually go on the internet to get war pics. this site has cool pics!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 7/25/2000
Name: colin sutherland
Email: Colwen@attcanada.ca
Comments: nice site i'm just new in this searching the net haveing lots of fun

Posted: 7/25/2000
Name: eduardo perez de leon
Email: vsatab@hotmail.com
Comments: excelent!!! thanks for yours page.. Eduardo.

Posted: 7/26/2000
Name: Mike Towns
Email: mike_t_007@yahoo.com
Comments:  NEAT! Mike in michigan

Posted: 7/26/2000
Name: James A. Howton
Email: jahowton@hotmail.com
Comments: This is a great site. If you love avaition, this is the site to be at. Thanks James Howton

Posted: 7/29/2000
Name: Nik Anis Aminee
Email: nyquea@yahoo.com
Comments: This is a very informative & well organised site with a lot of useful links. BRAVO!!! Keep up the good work. * For info, the Malaysian Airlines' F 50 crash in Tawau, Malaysia is due the pilot overshooting the runway.

Posted: 7/31/2000
Name: John Howard
Email: silvermedicj@juno.com
Homepage: juno.com
Comments: Hello, Highest complements to you on your work on your home page AVITOP.COM. Thanks, John Howard - silvermedicj

Posted: 7/31/2000
Name: Peter Lechelt
Email: plechelt@iprimus.com.au
Comments: excellent site for all aircraft fans.I saw a USAF fly F16 at Avalon airshow (Melbourne)in 99. F%#@en awesome power and noise from these wicked machines. Good stuff.

Posted: 7/31/2000
Name: jess
Email: hsusiporter@aol.com
Comments: hey if a F-14 and a F-16 go in to battle who would win

Posted: 8/1/2000
Name: andrew
Comments: well not bad son keep up the good work.

Posted: 8/1/2000
Name: Erin
Comments: I liked the pictures, want to fly one of these one day.

Posted: 8/3/2000
Email: vulcan11@cuxton24.fsnet.co.uk
Comments: GREAT SITE! Recommended to me by a Scandinavian aviation enthusiast who I met at London-Gatwick Airport.I have added this site to my favourites.

Posted: 8/7/2000
Name: Friedrich Kappes
Email: FrederKappes@netscape.net
Homepage: FriedrichFiles
Comments: My first homepage is merely a link collection, but a good one!!!!!! This site is very sophisticated. Very nice!

Posted: 8/7/2000
Name: Msgt Frank J. Tyler
Email: F106ft@aol.com
Comments: Excellant site. Great pix and sounds.The best I found to date. Keep up the good work,it's really appreciated.

Posted: 8/7/2000
Name: jim coulton
Email: marvin0000@yahoo.com
Comments: the picture of the pushing the bullet is an f-18 you can tell by the nose and position of the fuel tanks not an f-14.

Webmaster comment: Yes and if you had read the text you would also see that I am refering to the movie, not the picture.

Posted: 8/8/2000
Name: oda jensen
Email: odaj@forum.dk
Comments: Hilsen fra Æbeltoft og omegn

Posted: 8/8/2000
Name: Dalibor Jovanovic
Email: dalibor.jovanovic@infomediji.si
Comments: Hi, your pictures really touched my heart... They speak of the basics of flying...which is pure beauty.. I would like to have some of your pictures in a bigger res...I would like to print them and hang them in my home.. you are a master of aerial photography...I rase my hat before you :) with best regards, Dalibor Jovaonvic Slovenia

Posted: 8/8/2000  
Name: jim fox
Email: jf6377@sc.com
Comments: I am looking for a picture of an A3D Skywarrior from the Vietnam era. I was aboard U>S>S> Ranger 1967-1969. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Posted: 8/9/2000
Name: Mark A. Stevenson
Email: mark@mstevenson70.fsnet.co.uk
Comments: I found this location by pure accident, whilst trying to gather info for a presentation on the C-130. I now have so much info that I will struggle to keep to the set time for the presentation. Excellent sites and links.

Posted: 8/9/2000
Name: Henry Lidster
Comments: Brilliant! all the aviation resources i need

Posted: 8/11/2000
Name: mrshadow33
Email: mrshadow33@netscape.net
Comments: i love looking a sorts of fighter jets and your site is one of the best!!!!

Posted: 8/12/2000
Name: Brandon cotton
Email: Brandon584@juno.com
Comments: Hi I am 15 years old and all my life i wanted to fly planes in the air force,I know about every plane in the air force and navy.

Posted: 8/13/2000
Name: Larry Vainio
Email: lvainio@pris.bc.ca
Homepage: C-FXPA's Homepage
Comments: Love the pictures.

Posted: 8/14/2000
Name: Puvan Kumar
Email: puvank@hotmail.com
Comments: it a ver excellent site.keep it up!!!!!

Posted: 8/15/2000
Name: carl drew
Email: dragnfly86@hotmail.com
Comments: Write comment here i havent had a chance to view all the stuff that you have, but what i have seen is very very nice

Posted: 8/16/2000
Name: Svend Lassen
Email: s.lassen@mail.tele.dk
Comments: Det er en flot hjemmeside,og nogle gode billeder. Jeg kunne godt tænke mig nogle flere nærbilleder af draken mvh Svend

Posted: 8/17/2000
Name: Stanimir Evstatiev
Homepage: Me
Comments: Cool site

Posted: 8/18/2000
Name: Eduardo de Carvalho
Email: consulgest@netzero.pt
Comments: Congrats, your site is excelent. I'am a lloyd's agent from portugal. BRGS

Posted: 8/18/2000
Name: Tim O'Connor
Email: timo@kallman.com
Homepage: Kallman Worlwide Inc.
Comments: Write comment here We would like to establish a hyperlink between your site and our Aviation World's Fair 2003 site.This event will be an international celebration of the first century of powered flight. The event is scheduled for Apr. 07, through Apr. 27 , of 2003 in Newport News , Virginia .

Posted: 8/20/2000
Name: C.W. MacLANE
Email: cwmtargets@aol.com
Comments: First time on the site and will use it for research. Thanks

Posted: 8/24/2000
Name: Richard E. Boeman
Email: RCHRDEB@cs.com
Comments:  EX B17 8th AF 96th BG seeks info re B24 Commandos supplying GEN. STILLWELL and MERRILLS MARAUDERS in Pacific during WW II ?? Any written accounts??

Posted: 8/26/2000
Name: Kimberly Arthur
Email: kimberlyarthur@earthlink.net
Homepage: Club Hooyah USA
Comments: Excellent work on your web site! It looks great!

Posted: 8/26/2000
Name: Chris M
Comments: Eine sehr gute Seite Ist Euch gelungen Weiter so ! Chris

Posted: 8/26/2000
Name: Dean Howley
Email: Dont have one
Homepage: Dont have one
Comments: Im sorry I don't have much info but I am just a young aviation enthusiest and I don't even have the internet yet, I am at my friends. But any great website I really enjoyed it !

Posted: 8/27/2000
Name: Prudence
Email: pryle@shc.melb.catholic.edu.au
Comments: This is a great website and hopefully i will succeed in becoming a Naval Aviator (Pilot).. Cheers to everyone Luv Prue xx

Posted: 8/28/2000
Name: Joyce
Email: jr23a@cs.com
Homepage: General Air Inc.
Comments: We are an FAA cert. station rated for aerospace welding/sheetmetal fab. Mil Std -1595 Mil Std -2219 TIG - Seam/Resistance - Spot welding Mil Std -6858 Want to email others in regards to servicing their accounts This looks interesting

Posted: 8/29/2000
Name: Dragan Kostic
Email: kostic1@juno.com
Comments: Very informative! Bravo.

Posted: 8/30/2000
Name: Sean
Email: seann@xsinet.co.za
Comments: I am in desparate need of help , I am only 16 and love flying ( I live in sa ) , where can I get an instructor or go for flying lessons ??? pl. help!! Nice Page !!!!!!

Posted: 8/31/2000
Name: frankcoumans
Email: frankcoumans@hotmail.com
Comments: VERY NICE SITE....that's all i have to say!! greetings!! a dutch viper pilot in training!!

Posted: 8/31/2000
Name: Eric Arts
Email: EArts@heijmans.nl
Comments: Very nice site. Good info. Nice pictures.

Posted: 8/31/2000
Name: Karl F Mortensen
Email: steffi@greennet.gl
Comments: Meget flot lavet. Hilsen Karl

Posted: 9/1/2000
Name: Vince Munro
Email: dymndman@netscape.net
Homepage: RCAF 424 Squadron
Comments: Excellent site, could I add you link to my homepage

Posted: 9/1/2000
Name: Vince Munro
Email: dymndman@netscape.net
Homepage: RCAF 424 Squadron
Comments: Excellent site, could we add your link to our page?

Posted: 9/4/2000
Name: Phil
Email: rolltide54@aol.com
Homepage: Phil's Aviation
Comments: the best aviation site i have ever visited

Posted: 9/4/2000
Name: Rick Grant
Email: rickyg@fanninelectric.com
Comments: Great site! I enjoy it lots!!!

Posted: 9/6/2000
Name: Terry Needham
Email: raggedcoast@hotmail
Comments: A great site. My father was not a flyer, but was with the RCAF on the pacific coast during ww2. Sandspit Tofino etc. Carpenter etc building radar stations etc. Nice to visit your site and see some of the memories.

Posted: 9/7/2000
Name: Shana A-weerasinghe
Email: shanaweera@hotmail.com
Comments: Great site appreciate the effort of bringing the latest Thank you, Shana

Posted: 9/9/2000

Posted: 9/9/2000

Posted: 9/10/2000
Email: karl.eder@holzhof.at
Comments: We had a great time in VOLKEL from thursday till sunday, just the rain wasn`t welcome. But the partys each night let us forget this f...ing weather!!! Never mind, just kidding! Best wishes from the technician of the SAAB 105 OE and keep safe flying!

Posted: 9/11/2000
Name: Mickey
Comments: Hey, Cooool Site!!!! The pictures are quite small even in high resolution. Do not look good as wallpaper.

Posted: 9/12/2000
Name: colin beck
Email: cbeck@blvl.igs.net
Comments: enjoy your site however your ordering system for kitshop items could use some upgrading however keep up the info on all things rcaf affiliated colin

Posted: 9/17/2000
Name: Nick Elton
Email: fruitbat84@hotmail.com
Comments: Enjoyed your webpages very much. Some great photos in your gallery, you should sell them as posters! Please let me know if you add anymore. Thanks, Nick Elton

Posted: 9/19/2000
Name: Sean M. Daly
Email: sblkice@aol.com
Comments: WW II is interesting to me and I try to speak of it as often as I can to all age groups including my family. My daughter answered the questions asked by her teacher in the 7th grade from conversations we had. WW II and the people who fought it should never, ever be forgotten. Your website is informing and interesting. If children had to research the air war over Europe your website is the one they should go to. While looking for my uncles involvement in WW II I looked at several different websites and they don't hold a candle to yours. Thanks for the info. Sean Daly

Posted: 9/19/2000
Email: featherstone14@hotmail.com
Homepage: ANANZI
Comments: Very attractive and interesting website which kept me busy for a few hours. Congratulations! Candidate PPL.

Posted: 9/20/2000
Comments: Write comment here. was in army aviation 22 years last duty station was ft eustis va .sfc(r) mark stone.

Posted: 9/21/2000
Name: Anne
Email: Julie.uk@forum.dk
Comments: Abulle bulle!!!

Posted: 9/21/2000
Name: al hall
Email: minkey@eatel.net
Comments: i sat in the cockpit of the first prototype (of two) in the projects hanger at general dynamics ft. worth in 1973 hows that for trivia...i was a guest of the contractor on site to do a little f111 software work

Posted: 9/21/2000
Name: Richard Swayne
Email: swaynerichard@hotmail.com
Comments: I think your page is good

Posted: 9/21/2000
Name: Richard Swayne
Email: swaynerichard@hotmail.com
Comments: I think your page is good

Posted: 9/21/2000
Name: Alex
Email: siwi.gamer@home.com
Comments: very cool web site

Posted: 9/22/2000
Name: Brent Ludlow
Email: mogule001 @aol.com
Comments: great job on this web site Is there any way the wave pictures can be desktop wallpaper or screensavers we'd like to put a link to your web site from our civil air patrol page ok thanks

Posted: 9/22/2000
Name: michel
Email: www.goudreau@87.com
Comments: Write comment here this is the best web page ever.

Posted: 9/24/2000
Name: Scotty The Rock
Email: TheRock11972@aol.com
Comments: I have loved aircraft my hole life.You have alot of great aviation info her.Your pics are tops.THANKS!!!

Posted: 9/25/2000
Name: Lloyd Derby
Email: lmderby@internet4all.net
Comments:  I tried to send some aviation cards and kept getting error messages. Will try again later to see if there is some interference. Thanks.

Posted: 9/25/2000
Name: Stephen Weber
Email: StephenWeberOregon@MailCity.Com
Comments: I do Enjoy the videos while flying the WW planes. I'll pass the word on at our airshow in Eugene 10/7 and 8. Thanks a lot, buddy. I owe ya a beer! Stephen

Posted: 9/26/2000
Name: Jim Shryock
Email: jshryock@mail.com
Homepage: Confederate Air Force - Heart of America Wing
Comments: I was looking ot see how hard it would be for our wing to purchase a B-25. Great way to see some great Pictures.

Posted: 9/26/2000
Name: Mads Als (KIB)
Email: marlboroman@forum.dk
Comments: Hej Runnebasse, det er en flot hjemmeside du har, jeg sidder p.t. på SARVAGT i værløse. Håber at du og din familie nyder jeres ophold in the states. hilsen KIB

Posted: 9/27/2000
Name: Jo Joosten
Comments: Write comment here ziet er goed uit jongens, ga zo door.

Posted: 9/29/2000
Name: H.W."Sandy"Barr
Email: WWW.644squadron.com
Comments: I wish to see other websites on 6 Group and wish to add them to my website which is about RAF 644 Squadron to which I as a Canuck was attatched SANDY

Posted: 10/3/2000
Name: bob browne
Email: robbn55@hotmail.com
Comments: Great site; just what i have been looking for. Lots of information,and great pic's.

Posted: 10/6/2000
Name: Jerry Crute
Email: jcrute@suscom-maine.net
Comments: Just surfing; stumbles on this bookmark.

Posted: 10/7/2000
Name: KF-16
Email: f22raptor@channeli.net
Homepage: KF-16
Comments: KF-16 Korea Air force !

Posted: 10/8/2000
Name: Douglas Veith
Email: legalbeagleveith@kc.rr.com
Comments: Absolutely fantastic site...you have some really great pictures. I am a former Air Force pilot who flew the T-37, T-38 and C 131. I was an instructor in the T-37 at Vance AFB in Enid, OK

Posted: 10/11/2000
Name: Lisbeth
Email: www.forum.dk
Comments: Her er en personlig hilsen til Steen fra Køge. Jeg ved at han er på vej til USA, for at arbejde, jeg håber at han fik mit tlf med. Fat mod, til vi må ses engang.

Posted: 10/20/2000
Name: Shawn Massared
Email: shawnmass@hotmail.com
Comments: this is one of the best web pages that i have ever seen. Keep up the good work and take care shawn

Posted: 10/24/2000
Name: Donald Dold
Email: donalddold@flysaa.com
Comments: Outstanding site. All in one site!! lots of info. Keep it up.

Posted: 10/28/2000
Name: Stinger
Homepage: Armyplanes.co.uk
Comments: Cool site, it's better than the last one !

Posted: 10/28/2000
Name: robert bowman
Comments: enjoyed your site. just saw the thunderbirds oct 21 00 at shaw air force base

Posted: 10/30/2000
Name: Anders O. Christensen
Email: aoc40@hotmail.com
Comments: Ja det var dog en dejlig hjemmeside I har fået stykket sammen her da! Jeg synes lige jeg ville skrive i gæstebogen og gøre jer opmærksomme på det. Hejsa!

Posted: 11/2/2000
Name: Dee Wakefield
Email: deeavia@hotmail.com
Homepage: DeeAvia
Comments: Surfin' through. CFI at Addison (ADS) and Denton (DTO), Texas. I also do aerial photography and in the past dusted crops. Working on my multi rating and one day will earn the (big?) bucks at a regional carrier. Have family, pets and guy friend to keep me busy when I am not doing my passion - flying.

Posted: 11/3/2000
Name: Michael Zdanowski
Email: mszski@yahoo.com
Comments:  Ex-airforce and just plain love aviation its amazing what you can find just surfing looking for old squadron patches.

Posted: 11/4/2000
Name: David
Email: daviddavid9920002000@yahoo.com
Comments: Hi, I got a lot of cool pictures of this sight. I like the Interactive F-16 alot. I like the F-16. It is a cool aircraft.

Posted: 11/14/2000
Name: Joseph Apternal
Email: Joseph@aol.com
Homepage: www.Apternal.com
Comments: Diese Seiten sind ein derartiger Fotzen-Rotz, sowas hab´ ich ja noch nie gesehen. Außer bei Sven, das ist doch klar. Wenn Ihr die Site gut findet, ruft ihn doch an: +49 174 - 5664402

Posted: 11/16/2000
Name: larry haigh
Email: lawrencehaigh@aol.com
Comments: just logged onto your site. looking forward to using it.

Posted: 11/20/2000
Name: Sylvain Neron
Email: acidking83@hotmail.com
Comments: hey dude u have a nice web site

Posted: 11/20/2000
Name: christopher r norman
Email: nornanc@sw.bell.net
Comments: cool spot

Posted: 11/21/2000
Name: HOD
Email: herods@breathemail.net.uk
Comments: Hej du!Jeg havde mistet din web adress. Hvordan gaar det i USA? Sig hej til boernene og Karen fra os!

Posted: 11/25/2000  
Name: maxim marinov
Email: ufo860696@yahoo.com
Homepage: aviapanorama
Comments: Write comment here do is posible in our aviocompani flight to bulgaria from alaska bering mare to usa

Posted: 11/28/2000
Name: Hayley Smithers
Email: hayleythecool@hotmail.com
Comments: I think that this website is great as it gave me all the information I needed and keep the good work up. I found the site was very good as I am a Plane Spotter it was excelent

Posted: 11/28/2000
Name: Lars Tjessem
Email: larstjessem@hotmail.com
Comments: Jets is the best... can't wait until it's my turn to fly.

Posted: 12/1/2000
Name: Darren Elliott
Email: darrenelliott@hotmail.com
Homepage: Darren's Home Page
Comments: wassup!!! great site!!!

Posted: 12/3/2000
Name: Bob
Email: fertile80@aol.com
Homepage: Fertile 80 - North American Air Defense
Comments: Enjoyed your site. I was an Intercept Director at 20th Norad Region, not a pilot but told a lot of them where to go. As such Fertile 80 was my cal sign. I'll be back.

Posted: 12/6/2000
Name: sai indugula
Email: sai77@hotmail.com
Comments: cool site !!!!

Posted: 12/8/2000
Name: Roland Raith
Email: Modellrj@aol.com
Comments: Hello I have a Modell Turbine F16 ,Long 200cm.Have no color.Have you Fotos from a F16 with (Nato oliv color)in USA Station "WA"the home of the Thunder birds have F16 with Oliv color.can you send me Fotos (jpg).Senk you Sorry my English is not good

Posted: 12/11/2000
Name: Voodoo_and
Email: Voodoo_and@hotmail.com
Comments: Hej fed side du har her jeg har mange gode F16 pics jeg kunne sende til dig men der er en del der ikke er danske

Posted: 12/13/2000
Name: scott hill
Email: mrgroovy60@yahoo.com
Comments: cool sight most excelent!

Posted: 12/19/2000
Name: Jamaal
Email: whoiamijayus@aol.com
Comments: I'am in tenth grade and I 17 years old. So I would like to know what is the best place to go like to the army, airforce, navy so so I can become a good polit on maybe mig, f-16, sf. Thank!

Posted: 12/19/2000
Name: Judy Mackenzie
Email: judymacken@aol.com
Homepage: Suchiu Art
Comments: You have some great pictures on your site!

Posted: 12/31/2000
Name: Eduardo Moreau
Email: moreau@cantv.net
Homepage: Eduardo Moreau - Commercial Pilot
Comments: It's great !!

Posted: 1/4/2001
Name: Hank Williamson
Email: syiapt@ficom.net
Comments: Enjoyed your page--put me on your mailing list. HW

Posted: 1/6/2001
Name: Alison
Email: alison.livemore@virgin.net
Comments: Hi im 14 and intressted in all types of aircraft.Im a girl and wondered do they allow female piolets

Posted: 1/7/2001
Name: Butch Lottman
Email: iceman@inetnebr.com
Homepage: US Army Attack Helicopters
Comments: Really enjoyed you site, will stop back for future updates. Thanks,

Posted: 1/7/2001
Name: gokhan aycemen
Email: aycemen@yahoo.com
Comments: please can you give me 'all f16,f115,f15,f14,f4 and tornado url addresses' or 'whých firm pruduct thýs plane'

Posted: 1/8/2001
Name: I think my name is no needed to be mentioned!
Comments: As a Hellenic Air Force Flying officer I have to say that I realy enjoed "surfin" in this site. Keep on doing the good job and check your six! Lt (HAF) "X"

Posted: 1/8/2001
Name: Bobby L. Holtzclaw
Email: Flipper46@hotmail.com
Comments: Write comment hereJust stopped by to see the chinook and "baby 2001" but it is gone. Cain't find the 'Huey" ride. I was on a site early today and it had the call sign for 196th Hook company as rattlers and something else. The 196th were "Flippers" from when we left Sill untill I left the 610th CHFM in Mar of 68. Thanks "the Hawk"

Posted: 1/10/2001
Name: Randy Royce
Email: yroyce@aol.com
Comments: I was a frequent visitor to Gerry Tyack's establishment in Moreton-in-Marsh from 1988-1992. Will hopefully return soon to add to my own personal gallery. An outstanding website!

Posted: 1/15/2001
Name: ovinguaq berthelsen
Email: lars.berthelsen@greennet.gl
Comments: sisimiuniinguna kalaallit misiliisut

Posted: 1/16/2001
Name: Prudence
Email: pryle@shc.melb.catholic.edu.au
Comments: this is a great site i haope i am able to become a naval aviator! thanx Prudence -xoxo-

Posted: 1/18/2001
Name: Daniel J. Dale
Email: aeroscouts@webtv,net
Comments: Write comment hereTrying to find anyone that served with 123 Avn Bn B Co. Warlords at ChuLai 1970-71

Posted: 1/18/2001
Name: Philip Fernandes
Email: philipf@idirect.com
Comments: Write comment here GREAT SITE!!!

Posted: 1/19/2001
Name: Lars Schmidt
Email: schmidt@gvd.dk
Homepage: Danish Acars Homepage
Comments: Hej. Rigtig flotte side. Godt gået. Venlig hilsen Lars

Posted: 1/23/2001
Name: Jim Walls
Email: walls2509@aol.com
Comments: Write comment here Being an avaition enthusiast, I think I have found a page that will provide more than enough information to keep me busy. j.w.

Posted: 1/30/2001
Name: Sibusiso Nkabinde
Email: ZZS@univtech.ac.za
Comments: This is the stuff.The most outstanding site in terms of Science, freedom and adventure.

Posted: 2/1/2001
Name: Thorbjørn
Email: Tobbersvin@ofir.dk
Comments: Hej www.jets.dk. Det er en af de beste hjemmesider jeg kender. i øjebiked arbejder jeg med jagerfly som månedopgave.

Posted: 2/3/2001
Name: Kayla
Email: WannaBeMe5@excite.com
Comments: I"m only 12 years old, but i love this site. I've also wanted to be a JAG and still do. This is the coolest site ever!

Posted: 2/4/2001
Name: Mark
Email: mgraves@comair.com
Comments: Really cool, I plan on visiting here often.

Posted: 2/4/2001
Name: Kenny C
Comments: Wow this is fun

Posted: 2/10/2001
Name: Palle Bo
Email: pallebo@dadlnet.dk
Comments: Skriv indlæg her Jeg har selv fløjet i bagsædet på det dyr

Posted: 2/11/2001
Name: Rufus W. Beamer, Jr.
Email: n8270n@aopa.net
Comments: Enjoyed your site very much.

Posted: 2/14/2001
Name: Daniel Siagian
Email: siagian76@yahoo.com
Comments: I'm interesting with your home page

Posted: 2/14/2001
Name: FJ
Email: expert1za@hotmail.com
Comments: Congrats on a excellent web page. Everything I've looked for, I found except for some data on the Augusta A129 Scorpion. Otherwise, Great Stuff!!!

Posted: 2/14/2001
Name: Tom Sunley
Email: tom.sunley@lineone.net
Homepage: Tomcat's Place
Comments: Great site!! Lot's of interesting stuff in here. My site is mostly concerned with Panavia Tornado but I am expanding to other types as time permits. Let me know what you think. Keep up the good work

Posted: 2/15/2001
Name: Dylan
Email: mccradyd@hotmail.com
Homepage: Thunderbirds
Comments: This is a real nice web site Dylan

Posted: 2/16/2001
Name: Jim Reed
Email: Reedyreed@webtv.net
Homepage: Berlin Airlift Historical Foundation
Comments: Write comment here Very much impressed with this site great variety of pics & stats.Great work.See our site the BAHF for the history of two vintage Proptransports C-54 & C-97 both flying museums.

Posted: 2/17/2001
Name: Werner Bergmansq
Email: wbergmns@dse.nl
Homepage: Fighter Planes and Military Aircraft
Comments: Very nice site !

Posted: 2/19/2001
Name: Heywood Jablowme
Email: JonAwbrey@aol.com
Homepage: Jon's Homepage
Comments: This is a great sote that helps me alot on this wierd, stupid science project that I am doing.

Posted: 2/20/2001
Name: evan
Email: evan31085@yahoo.com
Homepage: billy beard
Comments: Tight site it is cool

Posted: 2/20/2001
Name: Arthur
Email: kenegsberg@visto.com
Homepage: WW2Battles.Com
Comments: Outstanding web site just keep getting better and better. Hope to see more of those aircraft detailing pictures.

Posted: 2/20/2001
Name: Gary Humphreys
Email: guns@delrio.com
Comments: Just spent last week Quail hunting with Chuck, what a great guy and great shot....

Posted: 2/20/2001
Name: Nick Wolochatiuk
Email: nuthill@glen-net.ca
Comments: What a great site! I took pictures of an American Beechcraft Baron in British Columbia last summer and promised to send them to the pilot. Unfortunately, I lost his name and address. Thanks to the 'N-number" site, we got re-connected. Thanks! P.S. I'm a real 'aviation nut'. I've flown in 219 different TYPES of aircraft to date - and always looking for other types to scrounge a ride in. I live in Eastern Ontario, near CYCC's 3,500' runway, half-way between Ottawa and Montreal. Anybody out there passing through, or planning to go to Sun n' Fun or Oshkosh?

Posted: 2/21/2001
Name: Nick Wolochatiuk
Email: nuthill@glen-net.ca
Comments: This is my second input in the guest book. Here's my question: Has there ever been an aerial combat between HELICOPTERS? I can't think of any theatre of war where both sides had operational combat 'fighter' helicopters in service. I know there have probably been instances where helicopter gunships have strafed other helicopters that were just parked on the ground. By the way, I've been photographing aircraft since 1960, and am still at it. I'm not a pilot, just an 'aviation nut'. No, I'm NOT interested in getting into any photo trading situations, but I do looking at some of the wonderful aviation photography that's been done in the past, and still being done today.

Posted: 2/26/2001
Name: R. Isherwood
Email: kt_racing@hotmail.com
Homepage: KT Racing
Comments: Enjoyed visiting your site...

Posted: 3/2/2001
Name: laust merrild
Email: laust.m@ofir.dk
Comments: jeg syntets det er en god hjemmeside

Posted: 3/2/2001
Name: laust merrild
Email: laust.m@ofir.dk
Comments: hej hej jeg må ikke verre på internettet mere

Posted: 3/3/2001
Name: Hans Ruiter holland
Email: hanstrident@cs.com
Comments: great site especially the postcards sending service i haven't look all of the site but i certainly will.

Posted: 3/5/2001
Name: Ryan Maitland
Comments: Awsome

Posted: 3/9/2001
Name: Inga
Email: porsche-kitten@webtv.net
Homepage: Yours For The Keeping
Comments: You have a great web page here informative,many useful links & beautiful pics of aircraft... My web page deals with " Getting Mail Out to US, UK, & Allied Military Forces"- No one likes feeling forgotten ,poems, stories, humor, military aircraft & ships,links ,NASA & much more.I do not advocate War. Only that we support those ho serve their Country. I will add you to my Favorite Military links..I am Inga

Posted: 3/12/2001
Name: Thomas
Email: thomas2net
Comments: Go side

Posted: 3/12/2001
Name: Bryan Sicard
Email: wolf_den123456789@hotmail.com
Comments: This is awsome!!! i cant wait for more pictures! The webtite in my mind ranks #1! -Bryan

Posted: 3/12/2001
Name: Bryan Sicard
Email: wolf_den123456789@hotmail.com
Comments: This is awsome!!! i cant wait for more pictures! The webtite in my mind ranks #1! -Bryan

Posted: 3/12/2001
Name: Richard Hollingsworth
Email: richard.hollingsworth@ntlworld.com
Comments: One of the best and informative sites on the internet.

Posted: 3/13/2001
Name: roxie
Email: roxie@cops.com
Comments: Hey,does anyone know any websites with photos of pilots currently flying througout the world? if so,id be really thankfull if u could gimme a quick email with the URL,, ty, bye

Posted: 3/18/2001
Name: Heine Joergensen
Email: hed@rdaf.dk
Comments: Fed side! Der sendes hilsner fra NFTC i Canada og vi ser alle frem til at komme hjem til F-16.

Posted: 3/19/2001
Comments: AWSOME

Posted: 3/20/2001
Name: nick walsh
Email: blackbirdf117@yahoo.com
Comments: this is tight

Posted: 3/22/2001
Name: J.Pieterson
Email: johnnypieterson@hotmail.com
Comments: Goede site.

Posted: 3/23/2001
Name: peter rene´john
Email: pharao_cheops@yahoo.de
Comments: i am a verry big fan of that famous plane, called F-16 fighting falcon.I search for everything about that plane.can you tell me, where I can get every information about the F-16?,where i can get photo´s? I will be verry honored,if you can help me to find everything from the F-16. regards to everyone who works for lockheed martin.

Posted: 3/25/2001
Comments: Hi all! I am greatly enjoying the community generated by the interests of all who participate in this exciting artificial reality !!! Although new to this site I will soon be uploading (and downloading) aircraft. And will have my own homepage soon to be announced !

Posted: 3/25/2001
Name: dermot monaghan
Email: dermot21@ireland,com
Comments: Write Just dropped in to see what would be of interest to a twelve year old who likes speed. Thanks

Posted: 3/26/2001
Name: Annie Robertson
Email: skidyvenfool@aol.com
Comments: Hello all! Just wanted to let you all know what a big fan i am of avionics in general and i'm really glad i found this sight...it is definately tight!!

Posted: 3/27/2001
Name: benjamin og stephan
Email: bsidenius@yahoo.dk og S_Pdk@yahoo.dk
Comments: det er en lidt for sej side i har lavet der. det er nogle rigtig flotte billeder i har sat ind. det er også en nem side at søge rundt på den er ikke så forvirende hilsen benjamin og stephan

Posted: 3/28/2001
Name: Søren Wind
Comments: hejsa jeg vil bare sige at det er en smader fede side især for de jeg altid har ville være pilot og denne sider er den eneste sider som giver mig nogle ornlig oplysniger

Posted: 4/2/2001
Name: Aaron Blasjo
Email: Aarjo@aol.com
Comments: I think The F16 is the best fighter plane around and I am going to fly one.

Posted: 4/3/2001
Name: mathias
Comments: rigtig god side

Posted: 4/5/2001
Name: Mikael
Comments: Hej jeg har brugt jeres billeder til en opgave i skolen (tak for hjælpen)

Posted: 4/5/2001
Name: linda diepenmaat
Email: linda_f16@hotmail.com
Comments: ik vond dit een mooie homepage je kon er veel wijs van doen. maar misschien nog een klein ideetje om de techniek van de F16 er in te schrijven. kus linda

Posted: 4/7/2001
Name: Leonardo Chacon
Email: chacaro@hotmail.com
Homepage: none
Comments: F-16 Pilot.VAF

Posted: 4/8/2001
Name: Gary Wiblin
Email: garywiblin@worldonline.co.za
Homepage: Wingwalker
Comments: I am a 9000hr Comm/IF/Multi/Instructor operating out of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. If anybody requires any info on flying or training in South Africa or Africa please drop me a line.

Posted: 4/8/2001
Name: shairdil
Email: shair_dil78@yahoo.com
Comments: great site and very well built.

Posted: 4/17/2001
Name: Chai
Email: hoheew@hotmail.com
Comments: I like F-16 Thank you

Posted: 4/17/2001
Name: Michael Kristensen
Email: mk@aua.auc.dk
Comments: Hej! Tak for en fin side med mange gode billeder. Hilsen fra en svæveflyver i nordjylland OY-XTM "TM".

Posted: 4/18/2001
Name: stephan pedersen
Email: S_Pdk@yahoo.dk
Comments: I skal skrive noget om flys hisstorie

Posted: 4/18/2001
Name: Jesper Gram
Email: chowchow@ofir.dk
Comments: Tillykke med føs'da'en, og fed hjemmeside. :-) Keep up the great work.

Posted: 4/20/2001
Name: Ruth
Email: ruth@elliemae.com
Comments: You have an awesome page ! I kept saying oohh and aaahhh Great job !

Posted: 4/22/2001
Name: Trevor
Email: trevorgoddard@lineone.net
Homepage: Xtream Action
Comments: Great site!

Posted: 4/23/2001
Name: john bach
Email: johnbach1@msn.com
Comments: just got the internet and found you. i'll be sprnding a lot of time here and i'll be telling my friends about you. looking for pictures and info on the original lockheed orion does anyone out there where there is one? thanks

Posted: 4/25/2001
Name: hemanth
Homepage: hemanth
Comments: cool site

Posted: 4/29/2001
Name: Paut
Email: bumhumper@aol.com
Comments: nice site but i like the sites with naked women better

Posted: 5/2/2001
Name: Luke Bradley
Email: LBradley@aol.com
Comments: Wow!!

Posted: 5/2/2001
Name: Doug
Email: MOTOR95@aol.com
Comments: Great site, I am looking for any e-mail contact with members of the 56th CSS, Avon Park AFS. I was stationed there 1980-1985. Also the 3rd LES, Clark AFB, RPI, '76-'80. Thank-You. Aim High

Posted: 5/7/2001
Name: stefan
Email: stefan1988@hansen.dk
Comments: jeg er jers fucking største fan i har de hvilsde billeder

Posted: 5/7/2001
Name: stefan
Comments: vhjggfhghfghghhggh

Posted: 5/8/2001
send information
Name: andreas
Email: andreas.vind@bluemail.dk
Homepage: fishing.subnet.dk
Comments: hej jets jeg ville spørge om du ikke kunne sende nogle ting om hvordan man bygger et fly op

Posted: 5/8/2001
Name: Fotis
Email: fotisace@in.gr
Comments: The best site for aviation and especially for the Falcon! Thank you guys!

Posted: 5/8/2001
Name: Alan Beasley
Email: beasle@deni.net.au
Comments: Great pages ,thanks

Posted: 5/11/2001
Name: Brendan Ryan
Email: kpryan@cbl.com.au8
Comments: I have been intersted in a defence job for a long time. You guys are great

Posted: 5/12/2001
Name: J E Kyzer
Email: jkyzer@bellsouth.net
Comments: I tried "join newsletter" but it failed. Please add me to your list. This is first visit to this site and am still trying out all the stuff. Will tell my other air head friends about it. j

Posted: 5/14/2001
Name: Karsten
Email: webmaster@flugzeuginfo.net
Homepage: flugzeuginfo.net
Comments: Great site. The N-Number search works realy good.

Posted: 5/14/2001
Name: mark
Email: demingaeroworks@swnm.com
Comments: were glad we found you!

Posted: 5/21/2001
Name: sdhmfag
Email: hgj,h
Comments: Skriv indlæg her og der

Posted: 5/21/2001

Posted: 5/22/2001
Name: kicky
Email: kicky@kicky.ac
Homepage: www.kicky.ac
Comments: All I wish to say is that this is a murderistic site that really makes the eye busy!

Posted: 5/23/2001
Name: armyman
Email: army131415 @ aol .com
Comments: your site is the best

Posted: 5/25/2001
Name: Richard "Jake" Jaquith
Email: rjaquith@hotmail.com
Comments: Very interesting web page. Going to look at all the subjects and research them all out. Jake.

Posted: 5/26/2001
Name: armyman
Email: army131415
Comments: your site is asome

Posted: 5/27/2001
Name: army man
Email: army131415
Comments: your site rules

Posted: 5/28/2001
Name: Mike Beckham
Email: BigR820@MSN.com
Comments: The General Dynamics F16 is kinda like a family member to me, I grew up around it. My father started to work for General Dynamics at the main plant in Ft.Worth,Tx around 1978 and is still working there to this day (now known as Lockheed Martin). I am very proud of his work, and that his efforts are still in use by the armed services of this country.

Posted: 5/28/2001
Name: armyman
Email: army131415
Comments: your site rules it is asome

Posted: 5/28/2001
Name: Richard "Jake" Jaquith
Email: rjaquith@hotmail.com
Comments: Great page. Will be back lots more. Jake

Posted: 5/28/2001
Name: Alyx
Email: smiling_worm@hotmail.com
Comments: This site rocks, i'm hoping to fly in CAF or USAF. I hope to learn & fly the f15 f16 or f22. The page showed me more about f16 making me want to grow up faster.

Posted: 6/1/2001
Name: Bill McGuire
Email: A43fool@aol.com
Comments: Thanks for a wonderful site! And links to a world of information... Bill McGuire, Author of "After the Liberators: A Father's Last Mission, A Son's Lifelong Journey" (Parkway Publishers, 1999).

Posted: 6/12/2001
Name: en god boger
Email: har ikke nogen
Comments: det er en fed hjemmeside i har her. jeg er fasineret over alle de ting i har om fly, og alle de billeder i har, jeg syntes specielt billederne er fede.

Posted: 6/13/2001
Name: Ross
Email: Repo911@hotmail.com
Comments: Hey cool site If you get anymore pictures can you send me some SEEYa

Posted: 6/14/2001
Name: fyhuj
Comments: hej

Posted: 6/16/2001
Name: Jochen Kenens
Email: jochen_fly@hotmail.com
Homepage: The Pilot Page
Comments: cool site

Posted: 6/23/2001
Name: Annelin
Email: 41650110@netcom.no
Homepage: Fightingfalcon
Comments: great page

Posted: 6/23/2001
Name: A1C USAF
Email: vipers_fang_bite_you@hotmail.com
Comments: i am a f-16 weapons troop i load weapons and repair weapons sys. iam just wondering where did you get your info from you have a very intresting site.

Posted: 6/24/2001
Name: Elmer L. Marting
Email: marting@netins.net
Comments: As soon as I get the wheel pants on my newely restored TAYLORCRAFT N-96841, I'll send a picture. I plan to fly into the AAA field one of these nice flying days. I am a member of the AAA, #M-21780.

Posted: 6/30/2001
Name: Evert
Email: airplanes11@hotmail.com
Homepage: Holland Aviation Site
Comments: very nice site!!!! keep up the good work!!

Posted: 7/3/2001
Name: Gary D. Simmons
Email: gsimmons@brightok.net
Homepage: Ardmore Army Air Field/Ardmore Air Force Base
Comments: Informative site! Former servicemen/women who served at Ardmore Army Air Field (1942-46) or Ardmore Air Force Base (Okla) (1953-59), be aware that a website is available with a chronological history of both activation periods. During WWII, the base was a glider pilot, B-26, B-17 Combat Crew Training School with hundreds of crews training there prior to going overseas. During the Korean period, the 463rd Troop Carrier Wing, 16th TCS, 309th TCG, 419th TCS were stationed there. The Fairchild C-123B and the Hercules C-130A had their initial USAF introduction at the base. Appreciate information, pictures, etc. that would help make this historical site even more complete. Please pass the word to relatives of deceased WWII service persons who served there. Thanks in advance!

Posted: 7/5/2001
Name: Katie O'Neal
Email: coolgirlk15@yahoo.com
Comments: Hi, I'm Katie from PA This site is awsome I've been here many times and lernt alot. I started going to this site when one of my friends joined the USAF and I cant leave the site alone. Great pictures!

Posted: 7/9/2001
Name: richard f fox
Email: rfox95@home.com
Comments: Aircraft N69279 now owned byRichard Fox transfered from J B Gaiennie. from J B Gaiennie December,2000.

Posted: 7/14/2001
Name: Roger Brooks
Email: r.r.brooks
Homepage: HP Victors
Comments: Write comment here A great site however I am looking for like minded researchers on the HP Victor and its service with the Royal Air Force. Moore details on my home page

Posted: 7/18/2001
Name: uskent
Email: uskent@propilots.net
Homepage: Flying thru nature
Comments: Great work. lotsa precious time shines out of. Bravo Zulu!

Posted: 7/21/2001
Name: Maria del Carmen Gómez Myhre
Email: babebabe@sol.no
Comments: I'm a Norwigian. Can I Writh on my Langvig. Hei jeg er en jente på 13 år min store drømm er å bli jetjager pilot. Jeg håper jeg kan få noen gode komentarer så jeg holder mote oppe. Jeg håper jeg kommer meg så langt. Jeg håper at dere kan sende meg noe om hva dere må gjøre for å bli jetjager pilot til å fly i en F16. Hvilke tester må dere gjenom gå? Hilsen Maria. PS.dere har en veldig bra side her håper dere kan legge ut noe om hvilke tester dere må gå igjennom. Hilsen Maria.

Posted: 7/21/2001
Name: Claude
Email: starman0607@hotmail/com
Comments: Your site is really great for anyone intrested in aircrafts. The interactive F-16 is really cool. Thanks

Posted: 7/23/2001
Email: www.fx22@bellsouth.net
Homepage: ThunderEagle7JetPilot
Comments: No comments as of yet

Posted: 7/25/2001
Name: Bryan Snuffer
Email: bsnuffer1@home.com
Homepage: The Art of Bryan Snuffer
Comments: This is a great site. I am an aviation artist and sites like this one are crucial for building a digital reference library.

Posted: 7/29/2001
Name: Kathy Hardison
Email: kthfly@compuserve.com
Comments: If you know me and would like to correspond please do. I have somehow been able to register but I can't seem to log on to the site in order to interact with my old friends so I'm counting on you guys to contact me if you want to. Have a great day...Kathy Hardison F/A based in ORF

Posted: 7/30/2001
Name: matthew
Email: matt632@hotmail.com
Comments: i am 12 and i love jets and this is a cool website

Posted: 8/8/2001
Name: Inge Smidt
Email: inge.smidt@freemail.absa.co.za
Comments: send as much info and photos to the above email address. kindest regards, miss i smidt

Posted: 8/13/2001
Name: Mr Meljoe Ferreira
Email: HAWK21M@yahoo.com
Homepage: B737 Site
Comments: Very Informative. regds HAWK

Posted: 8/13/2001
Name: Webmaster 20 sqn
Email: webmaster@20sqn.co.uk
Homepage: RAF 20sqn Harrier OCU
Comments: Check out my site

Posted: 8/20/2001
Name: didrik
Comments: fed siiiiiiideeee

Posted: 8/20/2001
Name: Djordje Miltenovic
Email: milten@eunet.yu
Homepage: YUModelClub
Comments: Visit YUModelClub A lot of infornation about Yugoslav Air Force, History of Yugoslav aviation, Yugoslav Aeronautical museum, Model gallery (over 150 models of aircraft, vehicals, ships...)

Posted: 8/22/2001
Name: M. Swift
Email: d1m2c3m4@cs.com
Homepage: Follett I.S.D.
Comments: We enjoy looking at the aircraft photos located here. My son is 10 and loves fighter jets so he looks at this site occasionally.

Posted: 8/23/2001
Name: RANA
Email: asrana@bdonline.com
Comments: Hello, I am one of the old visitor of combataircraft.com. I like the new attachment of it.Matt thank you very much for the new.I really enjoy it. Thanks. RANA.

Posted: 8/25/2001
Name: Vicki
Comments: Very good.

Posted: 8/29/2001  
Name: Otto olsen
Comments: F 15 hvor hoter kan den flyde tak

Posted: 8/29/2001
Email: adapple@chek.com
Comments: Write comment here hi,i'm a 14 year old girl.i'm very interested in flying.i have already soloed in a glider.but i really would like to learn about jets.i live out by luke afb.so every nite i go and watch them.i love the afterburner in the nite sky.i want to go to college.and gone the air force.i really want to be a thunder bird pilot.i any one that knows about jets can write me at my e-mail its adapple@mailchek.com

Posted: 8/30/2001
Name: Chris Gilliland
Email: chris_gilliland@mindspring.com
Homepage: Images of the Aircraft
Comments: Behag unnskyldning min grammer. Norsk er ikke mitt først språk. Jeg pleier pleier si at stedet er stor og å å beholde opp det gode. Mange takk Chris

Posted: 9/3/2001
Name: martin. sørensen
Email: nam@jubiimail.dk
Comments: hejza jeg er en dreng 14 fra esbjerg, jeg har et emne om F-16 flyet og jeg syndes at det vildt spændene Wiiiiii!!! zez

Posted: 9/3/2001
Name: roberto lopez arellano
Comments: Write comment here iam mexicamn i think very godd page internet

Posted: 9/7/2001
Name: pernille
Email: sejepernille@ofir.dk
Homepage: sejepernille
Comments: hejza jeg hedder pernille og er 11 år. Jeg bor i aalborg og min far hedder niels og min mor hedder lis. Ha en god dag.

Posted: 9/8/2001
Name: srijit nair
Email: srijit77@hotmail.com
Comments: u r site is great

Posted: 9/16/2001
Name: no name
Email: none
Homepage: none
Comments:  Your website is great! Great F-16 pictures. Your truly, no name

Posted: 9/16/2001
Name: Andrew
Email: jsimpier@snet.net
Comments: Very Nice Web site. I found it very enjoyable and educational. I have bookedmarked it

Posted: 9/19/2001
Name: Richard
Homepage: FlyingFans...Boy do we love aviation
Comments: I wanted to comment on this great site and also send all my prayers out to those in the September 11 disaster. God Bless America

Posted: 9/21/2001
Name: irfan aziz
Email: irfan_aziz2002@yahoo.ca
Comments: i like this site v. much. the photos r great but 1 thing i dont like is that the picyures r too small to set as a wallpaper. if the photos r big this site is exellent.

Posted: 9/21/2001
Name: Ahmed
Email: ahmed_779@hotmail.com
Comments: this site is excellent

Posted: 9/21/2001
Name: Ahmed
Email: ahmed_779@hotmail.com
Comments: I got alot of information from this site 2,

Posted: 9/22/2001
Email: budiyasa@yahoo.com
Comments: f16 Is my faforit air plane if you have more picture plase send to me

Posted: 9/23/2001
Name: David Merrick
Email: davemerrick@dbele.freeserve.co.uk
Comments: Most Enjoyable thank you

Posted: 9/25/2001
Name: Ian cassar
Email: Iancas@nextgen.net.mt
Comments: Hi, I am Ian cassar from Malta and i like to build models of these aircrafts. I went throw many pages of the F-16 and this one is one of the best.

Posted: 9/26/2001  
Name: dan
Comments: jeres side er god men i mangler flere fly og en søgemaskine

Posted: 9/27/2001
Name: cassidy
Email: turkeygirl_14@hotmail.com
Comments: love the site

Posted: 9/28/2001
Name: simon
Email: simonskytte@yahoo
Comments: hej jeg elske fly

Posted: 9/29/2001

Posted: 9/30/2001
Name: Sheraz
Email: ahmed_779@yahoo.com
Comments: ........good

Posted: 10/3/2001
Name: Duong Nguyen
Email: trungduoz@yahoo.com
Homepage: Sibertooth
Comments:  Nice web site! I like this! Cool! This is where I can find for myself a good place to colect about air craft!

Posted: 10/3/2001
Name: norm
Email: norman@cqnet.com.au
Comments:  very good

Posted: 10/4/2001
Name: Jeppe
Email: jeppea@ofir.dk
Homepage: www.jets.dk
Comments: Cool Site sir.

Posted: 10/5/2001
Name: K.Prakash
Email: vrigosh@yahoo.com
Comments: I was looking for a F16 picture. I got a lovely one here. thanks Prakash India

Posted: 10/10/2001
Name: Phil
Email: rockice800@a0l.com
Homepage: chill
Comments: just chill

Posted: 10/11/2001
Name: Patrick Bahnerth
Email: bahnerth@zonnet.nl
Homepage: The Ultimate Collectors Site
Comments: Great site, now I don't have to search for the best aviation websites on the Web anymore! Thanx

Posted: 10/14/2001
Name: Johan
Email: sukhoi@wxs.nl
Homepage: Teejee' s Page
Comments: Great site guys greetings from holland Johan

Posted: 10/15/2001
Name: Patrick Olsson Petersen
Email: flitwick@sol.dk
Comments: Dau!! Jeg hedder Patrick og søger Jesper Jensens e-mail. Han er lige blevet jægerpilot i usa. jeg mangler hans e-mail!!

Posted: 10/17/2001
Name: Tom Switlik
Email: Switlik@LosAlamos.Net
Comments: Just Surfed in. Now live in one of the three former Atomic Cities. Retired from DoD, last worked at China Lake, CA. That is the home of the Tomahawk Land Attack Cruise Missile. So if anybody has any connection to China Lake, send me an e-Mail. We can discuss the War on Terrorism.

Posted: 10/18/2001
Name: Neo Anderson
Email: red_sunrise@hotmail.com
Comments: Nice pictures man!!!

Posted: 10/22/2001
Name: Crystal
Email: aviatrix_24@hotmail.com
Comments: Confederation College, Thunder Bay, CANADA Aviation Flight Management class of 2002..AFM RULES!

Posted: 10/23/2001
Name: jesper petterson
Email: jesper.goosmann.petterson@skolekom.dk
Comments: jeres fly er seje jeg er 11 år

Posted: 10/27/2001
Name: Jack C Howard
Email: howard1@cableone.net
Comments: enjoy your site very much

Posted: 11/6/2001
Name: Hannah
Email: crytal_lake_15@hotmail.com
Comments: good sight like the plane's

Posted: 11/9/2001
Name: Mike
Email: fishnut@alphalink.com.au
Comments: a very infomative and interesting site

Posted: 11/9/2001
Name: Trond
Email: metallica_freak@everyday.com
Comments: This page is relly cool!!!!

Posted: 11/10/2001
Name: J. Weber
Email: wwweber@pc.dk
Comments: Write comment here Hej John. Din far og jeg er inde paa din homepage og ser paa fly. Alt vel her i Danmark.

Posted: 11/10/2001
Name: Scott
Email: spitfirefactory@aol.com
Homepage: The history of Castle Bromwich Spitfire Factory
Comments: Nice to see that the aviation history is covered by so many.

Posted: 11/10/2001
Name: volleyball
Email: volleyball458@hotmail.com
Comments: very good

Posted: 11/11/2001
Name: Adeline Ryan
Email: hypercute5@jotmail.com
Comments: Write comment here I LOVE this site!! I'm only 14 but, I plan on joining the airforce. It has always been my dream. I am fasanated by all jets. I cant wait to fly one! Thank You for all the great pictures!!

Posted: 11/12/2001
Name: P J Moeken
Email: pj.moekuen@chello.nl
Comments: Keep up the good work,this looks very PRO enjoying it every time I open your site

Posted: 11/12/2001
Name: PatrickC.
Email: pecos@oreka.com
Comments: Hello! Iwas searching nice pics, and you have collected a lot of good ones! Sincere congratulations for your site and your efforts from a French Air Force man. See u soon !

Posted: 11/20/2001
Email: thebreeze49@hotmail.com
Comments: i just found this site, and have been looking over ever think, it is the very best,i will keep looking because it is so wonderful. thank you very much keep up the good workWrite comment here

Posted: 11/22/2001
Name: caw
Comments: Meget fed side men jeg syntes der skulle stå lidt mere om selve flyene F.eks. om motoreren. Men alt i alt en meget sej side

Posted: 11/30/2001
Name: Mic
Email: micahalert@hotmail.com
Comments: Sweet page. Awesome graphics. I like your walkthrough for exploring the F16.

Posted: 12/5/2001
Name: guess who....
Comments: Husk nu at det skal være fun at flyve med RUN!

Posted: 12/6/2001
Name: Vytas
Email: vytciokas@delfi.lt
Comments: very good!

Posted: 12/8/2001
Name: abou kassem lebanon
Email: abou_kassem@hotmail.com

Posted: 12/11/2001
Name: michael mckeon
Email: michaelmckeon5@aol.com
Comments: nice site jist surfed in. Write comment here

Posted: 12/20/2001
Name: Bruno Kalhøj
Email: brukenco@hotmail.com
Comments: Hej RUN Din hjemmeside bliver da bedre og bedre, du må have for meget tid. Det har jeg ikke, så jeg ville lige ønske dig glædelig jul og godt nytår. Jeg håber det stadig går godt. Jeg keder mig i FMK efter mit år i Irak. Men jeg arbejder på noget hyt og bedre. Hils dem jeg evt. måtte kende. Med venlig hilsen Kaløjn

Posted: 12/20/2001
Name: Henry Hewitt
Email: henry.hewitt@btopenworld.com
Comments: Ist Class

Posted: 12/23/2001
Name: John J. Bratun
Email: viperbat16@aol.com
Comments: I was a F-16 instructor pilot on an exchange tour at Skrystrup air base in 1993. I went by BAT, I'm still flying F-16's in the New Jersy guard and just thought I'd say "Hi".

Posted: 12/24/2001
Name: Weerachai S.
Email: Guyguy@hotmail.com
Comments:  Hello!!! I am flying Fokker-28 Mk4000 as first officer.just found your Web site.I'd like to say that your site is so cool!!! keep up your good work.

Posted: 12/25/2001
Email: madfog27@hotmail.com
Comments: Very well done page i like looking at all you had on it.I have learned a few new things about the F-16. Keep up the good work!! Tim ps- I am from the usa

Posted: 12/30/2001
Name: Dave Barnard
Email: davebarnard@ecol.co.za
Homepage: nomadbowls.za.net
Comments: This is an excellent and very informative site. Please visit my Website. I often use airline logos for charity promotions and have had a lot of difficulty in finding them until I stumbled on this site. The airline should be encouraged to assist by advertising here. Many thanks, dave Barnard

Posted: 12/30/2001
Name: Dave Barnard
Email: davebarnard@ecol.co.za
Homepage: nomadbowls.za.net
Comments: This is an excellent and very informative site. Please visit my Website. I often use airline logos for charity promotions and have had a lot of difficulty in finding them until I stumbled on this site. The airline should be encouraged to assist by advertising here. Many thanks, Dave Barnard

Posted: 12/30/2001

Posted: 12/31/2001
Name: kevin chastain
Email: deluxz6@aol.com
Comments: i really like all of the pictures in your web page. i am 16 years old and i want to be an f-16 pilot really bad. this site really gives you a lot of information.

Posted: 1/5/2002  
Name: muhammad salman khan
Email: sunnykhanz2001@yahoo.com
Comments: hello i saw ur website and i like very well so i want to ask u that can ur website give me a free membership card by post with free catalogue

Posted: 1/5/2002
Name: hopeful Airforce pilot
Comments: I love jets and choppers of all kinds this site is GREAT!!

Posted: 1/8/2002
Name: Bill Peaslee
Email: bill791@outgun.com
Homepage: VFR Flying
Comments: I like the layout, nice work.

Posted: 1/9/2002
Name: Daniel Lehmann Christensen
Email: daforce86@yahoo.dk
Comments: Hej jets. Jeg er en skoleelev som går i 9 klasse på Risingskolen i Odense C. Hvis der er nogen der har tid til overs vil vi meget gerne have et interweiw med en af jer!!. Hvis i gerne vil så skriv til bage via E-mail. Mvh. Daniel l. Christensen

Posted: 1/9/2002
Name: Russ Lander
Comments: You had a wonderful web site about F16. The Gallery, Interactive F16 and Links.Keep On The Good Work.

Posted: 1/15/2002
Name: Jessica McFadden Phifer
Email: jesphifer1111@hotmail.com
Comments: John, Hello. I am so sorry it has taken me long to get back to you. About getting some shirts done for this website O.K. First... *Do you have the shirts you want none (if not you can find them on your own which is very easy at WalMart of Target. Or even Bananna Rep. or The Gap.) the point is to find the right shirt with good quality! *But get a picture of or an idea of what the design will be. if you can e-mail me that it would me grate. *Just send me your ideas and we can go from there. the more I figure out price wise I will let you know as I do. Thank You, and let me know anything I can do. Jessica McFadden Phifer SY SportsWear also: if you have a dirrect e-mail address, this was all may mother had. thanks!

Posted: 1/19/2002
Name: Bradley Gauthier
Email: bdg58@hotmail.com
Homepage: msn.ca
Comments: Hello Canada my names Bradley Gauthier and I am Canadian!!! well i just wanted to tell the RCAF that I hope to be flying with them when i grow up. P.S. I wanna fly a F-18!!! At Mach 1 of course.

Posted: 1/20/2002
Email: willie@nwconx.net
Comments:  I was in the RCAF from Aug/51 to Aug/63 I was stationed at BORDEN MOISIE QUE,UPLANDS, RESOLUTE BAY GREENWOOD, #1FIGHTER WING DECIMOMANO SARDINIA #2 FIGHTER WING AND COL LAKE ALTA . I was an OPMME. My email is willie@nwconx.net

Posted: 1/26/2002
Name: mogens
Email: mlj@adslhome.dk
Comments: kanon side du har hilsen mogens

Posted: 1/29/2002
Name: Alisha Bray
Email: PHATGYRL1126@aol.net
Comments: what should be done to aviation planes in respect to terrorism?

Posted: 1/29/2002
Name: Alisha
Email: PHATGYRL1126@aol.net
Comments: what should be done to aviation planes in respect to terrorism?

Posted: 1/31/2002
Name: Arie v.d. Eijk
Homepage: Combat Aircraft
Comments: The Netherlands have to buy the JSF. It's a superb plane!

Posted: 2/1/2002
Name: morten gram
Email: 5grams@mail.tele.dk
Comments: Skriv indlæg her jeg syntes at det er en god hjemmeside med masser af gode ting og man får alt at vide om fly her.fedt venlig hilsen Morten Gram

Posted: 2/7/2002
Name: Doug Vernon
Email: sdam.mia@usa.net
Comments: Australia group seeking to purchase Douglas DC-7B. Must be ferriable to Australia. Please contact me at above e-mail address and I will forward information. As for this site, excellent! Keep'em flying! Doug Vernon San Diego, California USA

Posted: 2/8/2002
Name: Nina Jensen
Comments: Dette er ikke mit rigtige navn. Men når jeg bliver stor vil mig og min beste ven være piloter.

Posted: 2/9/2002
Name: Stephan
Email: Stephan16@ofir.dk
Comments: fin hjemme side men kan du ikke skaffe oplysninger om jagerflyene fra 1965-75 for det var den gang min far var flymekaniker i flyvevåbnet og jeg vil blive glad vis du ka fortælle mig om de forskellige fly som hvad de blev brug som. og jeg ville bliver glad vis du kunne skaffe oplysningerne på samme måde som i anteraktiv f16

Posted: 2/15/2002
Name: Stephen N. Mullins
Email: avstar@ca.inter.net
Homepage: www.downingheliports.com
Comments: Great site. I would like to see more helicopter and HELIPAD - HELICOPTER - HELIPORT - EMERGENCY HELISTOP information.

Posted: 2/17/2002
Name: Per Christian Isdahl
Email: pisdahl@hotmail.com
Comments: Hi,folks. I served in The Royal Norwegian Airforce in -83-84 at Ørland Airbase in the middel of Norway,at the 338 sqd. as a weaponsolider. I had a lot of contact with the USAF and your F-4 and F-16 I had a great time with the ingeneers? and whiskey and beers. Keep up your good work, and look out for me on my Harley Davidson 1988 FLTC See you in the air.

Posted: 2/21/2002
Name: Jesper Skovbjerg
Email: jesperksmsn.com
Comments: Hej.... Fed hjemmeside!!!! Jeg arbejder selvv på en den er ikk færdi inu men jeg kunne godt bruge det F-16 billedet på din foside! Så hvis du vil sende det til mig eller fortælle mig hvor du har det fra?? Hilsen Jesper Skovbjerg

Posted: 2/24/2002
Name: Jesper Skovbjerg
Email: jesperks@msn.com
Comments: Min Email er: jesperks@msn.com

Posted: 2/24/2002
Name: Kristin
Email: kristinbuhs@hotmail.com
Comments: howdy! I love this site, the pics are great. Im a pilot in the Air Force and Im currently stationed overseas patrolling the amazing and endless sky. Always on top!!

Posted: 2/25/2002
Name: Claus Abraham
Email: tcs17cobra1@hotmail.com
Homepage: CVFS-Portal
Comments: Hi John Raahauge Fed side !! Great site. Med venlig hilsen Claus

Posted: 2/26/2002
Name: dark star
Comments: alle der har en hjerne skal gå ind www.n.dk og chatte m.v.h #dark star#

Posted: 2/27/2002
Name: Sallihin " Razor " Othman
Email: hornetleader@yahoo.com.sg
Homepage: 87th Straydogs Virtual Fighter Wing
Comments: Great site !! I love the discussions brought up in the forums...keep it up ! :-)

Posted: 3/1/2002
Name: Doug Dery
Email: sskies@tampabay.rr.com
Homepage: WWII Aircraft Parts
Comments: Great website, I am glad I found it. Thanks!

Posted: 3/4/2002
Name: Hemi Noble
Email: su27sniper@paradise.net.nz
Comments: Write comment here Just like to say that this site Rocks. As an air combat fanatic I appreciate the info on this web-page. Russian combat aircraft are my preference but, all millitary aircraft takes my interest Keep up the good work.

Posted: 3/5/2002
Name: alex wilson
Email: kyex98@hotmail.com
Comments: I thought this sight was cery fasinating

Posted: 3/9/2002
Name: martin
Email: martinl44@hotmail.com
Comments: love the site ,not enough wanna see the sky!

Posted: 3/10/2002
Name: TreVor
Comments: I really liked your pictures. But you should have a few more different fighter jets. TreVor

Posted: 3/11/2002
Name: rogelio
Comments: cool site keep up the good work!

Posted: 3/12/2002
Name: Ragnar Ragnars
Email: rr@caa.is
Comments: Write comment here This site of yours looks wonderful regards.

Posted: 3/13/2002
Name: Neo
Email: neo_0007@hotmail.com
Comments: Hey if you find a better website then this il'l give you two thumbs up. This website is the best

Posted: 3/15/2002
Name: Tobias
Comments: Det er fandeme en sej side

Posted: 3/20/2002
Name: Lt.Col; TK. Strike US. SFS. SOF
Email: www.eliteagency242@bellsouth.net
Homepage: ThunderEagle7JetPilo@mylycos.com
Comments: Our goverment is talking about having background check ran on people that are getting pilots license, Well. say this to our goverment and too the department of the FAA the people of the UNITED STATES in our home land do not need a background check ran on them it's the one's thats not from the UNITED STATES needs the background check ran on them and then watched very cloesly by the F.B.I and the C.I.A and any other goverment and private investigation agency's. THINK ABOUT IT....... ...

Posted: 3/21/2002
Name: shilei
Email: ralf_s@21cn.com
Homepage: chinese plane
Comments: good luck to you all

Posted: 3/23/2002
Email: HAWK21M@yahoo.com
Homepage: Boeing 737 Technical Website
Comments: Neat site.I'm from maintenance.Keep up the good work.

Posted: 3/23/2002
Email: HAWK21M@yahoo.com
Homepage: B737 Technical website
Comments: Great site.I'm from Mainteanace.A lot of useful data available here.Keep up the good work.

Posted: 3/25/2002
Name: Jacques Guequierre
Comments: This a very interesting and helpful site. I plan to revisit the site many times.

Posted: 3/25/2002
Name: Jacques Guequierre
Homepage: www.helicopter-dolly.com
Comments: This a very interesting and helpful site. I plan to revisit the site many times.

Posted: 3/26/2002
Name: lauren!!!!!!!!
Email: -
Comments: not enough info but cool pics! dont flight attedents exist

Posted: 3/31/2002
Name: Paula de la Rosa
Email: darkstar61275@yahoo.ca
Comments: Very impressive and breathtaking pictures... I hope you've got more coming.

Posted: 3/31/2002
Name: Paula de la Rosa
Email: darkstar61275@yahoo.com
Comments: This is regarding a comment from someone named Lt. Col. TK, (hope I got that right). I thought about that background checks as soon as the 9/11 incident happened, I don't know if they're thinking about that here in Canada, too, but I sure think it's a waste of time, I can't wait to finish working on my licence and I sure don't want any delays just because someone's paranoia is working overtime.

Posted: 4/1/2002
Name: joe
Comments: it`s a very beutiful homepage

Posted: 4/1/2002
Name: mohammed
Email: mohemmed@hotmail.com
Comments: den side er rigtig sej og jeg håber i får flere billed

Posted: 4/8/2002
Name: simon christensen
Comments: fed hjemmeside og flotte billeder af mange forskellige fly. for coolt!

Posted: 4/8/2002
Name: Tyler Maher
Email: tyler_maher@hotmail.com
Comments: this website is awesome...i loved looking at all the pics of the planes.

Posted: 4/8/2002
Name: Mike
Homepage: Fly-By
Comments: Excellent aviation site.

Posted: 4/14/2002
Name: Hugo Marengo
Email: mfexpress@terra.com y/o hmarengo@viabcp.com
Comments: Very nice web,congratulation, I want to say hello. Thank you very much. Hugo Marengo. Manager/Commercial Pilot. M&F EXPRESS.

Posted: 4/15/2002
Name: Stig Kristensen
Homepage: DHC8 Flightsimulator
Comments: Very nice site you have made.

Posted: 4/20/2002
Name: johan de swaef
Homepage: Corsair : F4U - The Bent-Wing Bird Site
Comments: Very nice site ... Visit my site : This site provides information about the Corsair (F4U).I want to illustrate the changes made to the aircraft's design to provide a comprehensive look at the Corsair's details and development.

Posted: 4/25/2002
Name: Melvin
Email: melpimp@yahoo.com
Homepage: Fun And Funky
Comments: Mean Machines, I tell you. I was wondering if I could buy one of them on credit card?

Posted: 4/25/2002
Name: Felisha
Email: Kittens_meow7483@yahoo.com
Comments: Hello my name is Felisha Barthman and I am trying to find some information on the air force for my project in school do u think you can send me some information about the flights and what you mostly do and how it was back then and how it is now. Thanks Felisha

Posted: 4/26/2002
Name: David Niels Molberg Thing
Comments: Det var cool at være i karup til familie dag. Jeg var oppe at flyve sammen med RED

Posted: 4/27/2002
Name: Robert L Megee
Email: lenme@elknet.net
Comments:  Sure am looking forward to the reunion in Daton Ohio. My daughter and her husband and I had a good time at Hampton last year.Hope to see all of you there.

Posted: 4/27/2002
Name: Susan N.
Email: angela_23_2000@hotmail.com
Comments: Looking for a old friend Named Eric Merritt. He was in Orlando, Fl in 1989 with me. He was in the Nuclear Field. When we separted he was going to Great Lakes in Chicago, ILL for more schooling.

Posted: 4/27/2002
Name: Adam
Email: paparopash
Homepage: Cutting Edge Information
Comments: Thanks -- cool site.

Posted: 4/28/2002
Name: Siggi Reinicke
Email: SiggiRosie@t-online.de
Comments: Write comment here Hallo, Peter Stoni, für uns mit unserer CH 53 war es eine schoene Woche.Schade das ich vor 36 Jahren gruen angezogen habe ( obwohl mir blau besser steht)Vieleicht waerst Du dann gerade mein Schueler geworden. Ihr seid ein netter Haufen. In diese Homepage werde ich noch oefters reinschauen und auch meine Bemerkungen abgeben. Erstmal alles Gute weiterhin. Gruesse Siggi ( Flying Fox )

Posted: 4/28/2002
Name: Crusader
Email: Crusader@Combatjets.de
Homepage: Combatjets
Comments: ...best wishes to your site... Nice Pics... Crusader

Posted: 4/28/2002
Name: Murat Aydin
Email: hushave@ofir.dk
Comments: en rigtig fed side i har lavet... i skal bare ha nogle lidt mere detaljerede billeder af flyverne.... billeder af cockpittet og udstødningerne og sådan noget.

Posted: 5/2/2002
Name: martin
Email: bile-ille@sol.dk
Comments: det er en fede side men der mangler en ting det er helikopter det kunne i/du godt skrive noget om det eller nogle billeder men den side her fede nok.............?

Posted: 5/3/2002
Name: JER
Email: Jer@rdaf.dk
Comments: Hej RUN Fandt lige din side, og må sige... nice. Går på FLOS i øjeblikket og skal til usa næste sommer, så der er vel lidt håb forude mvh JER

Posted: 5/7/2002
Name: Randy Barbaglia
Email: barbags@yahoo.com
Comments: Write comment here Hi Joe, great art! I really did not think I needed to see combat art other than what rolls through my mind every now and then with instant recall. After scrolling along your excellent work I actually began to choke up. Its ironic the only piece of art that I would consider, because of my particular duty in Vietnam, is sold out. Maybe just as well. Thank you for the good work. Randy Barbaglia

Posted: 5/15/2002
Name: jimmy bruzual
Email: jimmybruzual@yahoo.com
Comments: excelent page.... good and very interesting sites,,,,} jimmy caracas-venezuela

Posted: 5/16/2002
Name: Jeanette Jensen
Comments: Når jeg bliver stor vil jeg gerne blive en pilot sammen med min bedste ven Kristian.

Posted: 5/19/2002
Name: 27 IDX 106 - Odinn
Comments: Very good webpage you have here, and best greetings to all your visitors. And people You Are also --> WELCOME <-- To Visit My Webpage as well --> Good informations and much more, have BIG fun.

Posted: 5/22/2002
Name: Steffen Kjendseth
Email: steffen_2@hotmail.com
Comments: Cool homepage!!!!!!

Posted: 5/23/2002
Name: to drenge
Comments: kanon sej hjemmeside kan du give os nogle hjemmeside navne om flyvevåben hilsen to drenge

Posted: 5/27/2002
Name: janet bosley
Email: janet_bosley@hotmail.com
Comments: I am looking for a web site for PRATT HALL locating : Ft. Rucker Alabama ...It is a Flight Similation School...If anyone knows if there is one,please let me know....It was Named after my brother....1st. Lt. Fred O. Pratt

Posted: 5/29/2002
Name: frfrf
Email: jipohioiuygyui
Comments: Write comment herenjkbkjbh

Posted: 5/30/2002
Name: Karlene Collins/Van Leer
Email: pacificplatinum@yahoo.com
Homepage: keny8
Comments: HELP! I lost Dick Van Leer, my father, helicopter pilot, sharpshooter, chess player, who's who in aviation. Last seen with a suitcase headed for South America. HELP! Anyone who knows him (that's alot) please have him contact me immediately! mi padre, mi amigo...donde esta?

Posted: 6/1/2002
Name: Jonas S. Nielsen
Comments: Helza. Jeg ville bare sige at det er en kanon flot side, med en masse gode billeder. P.S. jeg vil helt vil gerne være jagerpilot når jeg bliver stor.

Posted: 6/1/2002
Name: Magnus Grenersen
Email: magnuswg@sol.no
Homepage: Norpatch
Comments: Hi! Thanks for a great site and -service! Happy to e a part ov Avitop! Magnus

Posted: 6/3/2002
Name: Jeff Howard
Comments: This is an amazing sight, I am so excited to check it out! Jeff Howard private pilot

Posted: 6/6/2002
Name: Jakob Nielsen
Comments: Hej. Jeg synes det er en kanon fed side, jeg drømmer selv om at blive pilot en dag.

Posted: 6/8/2002
Name: Morten Kopp
Email: zbboy@hotmail.com
Comments: Hej med dig du,det er da en 2tal fed site du har bikset op her. er selv ved flyvevåbnet i Karup ved HAWK-Vest. og det er nogle nice pics,har selv nogle men de er alt for store. Hilsen en Fly fan :D

Posted: 6/10/2002
Name: AV
Comments: Great site!

Posted: 6/10/2002
Name: plane
Comments: Great site!

Posted: 6/11/2002
Name: Bill
Email: wnickloff2@earthlink.net
Comments: Lockheed 48 years..P38,Conny, Electra,F104,U2,SR71,L1011,all great to work with!!!Your site keeps me up to date!! Thanks

Posted: 6/12/2002
Name: William L Wagner
Email: biljoanpho@aol.com
Comments: Write comment hereThank you.

Posted: 6/12/2002
Name: Richard
Homepage: FlyingFans
Comments: Love the site. I always keep coming back. Please check out mine. I have lots of pictures, movies, online games, airport database, and much more.

Posted: 6/13/2002
Name: Brandon Hughes
Email: Brandonluvbeer@hotmail.com
Comments: Nice web page im a future airman in the delayed enlistment program. Can't wait to work on these planes.

Posted: 6/14/2002
Name: lis raahauge
Comments: kærlig hilsen mor

Posted: 6/15/2002
Name: Lotte Timm
Email: lotte.t@get2net.dk
Comments: Rigtig spændende site, stærkt med postkort med fed flyverlyd, interaktivt f16-kursus og mange flotte billeder. Siden er allerede føjet til foretrukne, det er ikke sidste gang jeg har været her! Stor ros til bagmanden.

Posted: 6/18/2002
Name: Fábio Miguel Garcia
Comments: Nice!!! Wow!

Posted: 6/19/2002
Name: Joacim Hallberg
Homepage: www.swesimflight.com
Comments: Very nice page. I use to check every day on my statitics. Thanks. /Jocke

Posted: 6/19/2002
Name: Ed Clayman
Email: publisher@scaleaero.com
Homepage: Scale Aero
Comments: The web site ratings... where are the ratings tabulated and indexed? Thanks, Ed

Posted: 6/20/2002
Name: tony zeelie
Email: bigelvis_sa@yahoo.com
Comments: Write comment here i spent 10 years in south african air force worked on harvards cessna 185s tail drager also worked on bosbok and kudu milatery craft miss the air craft .when i smell afgas it make me feel funny inside hope to hear from you guys chow from sunny south africa we also worked on one of the spitfires the one they stuck into the runway not good. see you soon tony

Posted: 6/23/2002
Name: grenville nock.ex m-i-marsh
Email: grenspad@supanet.com
Comments: being a former airman at moreton ilove this site.have many happy memories of moreton.(no 1 fts in my day)1952/53.was demobbed from there dec 53.have been back on visits over the years visited wellington museum and met gerry tyack,a lovely guy to talk to.i recommend a visit to anyone if your`e ever down (or up) that way and have a chinwag with gerry.thank you for a great site,will visit as often as possible.roger and out.Write comment here

Posted: 6/24/2002
Name: Pernille Ankjærgaard
Email: peank@tdc.dk
Comments: Hej med dig - dygtig hjemmesidewriter. Hvem er du, der står bag denne side??? Er det mig der er for dum, men jeg kan ikke finde info om dig. Et spørgsmål, hvad er max alderen for at flyve F16???? KH Pernille

Posted: 6/28/2002
Name: Mads Als
Email: kib722@hotmail.com
Comments: Hej RUN, det er ved at være længe siden vi har talt sammen. Går det stadig godt "over there" og hvornår kommer du hjem til DK igen. Det kunne være fedt om vi kunne samle det gamle flyver hold fra avnø (den rigtige flyveskole). God sommer til dig og din familie. Hilsen KIB

Posted: 7/7/2002
Name: Max Daisley
Comments: Very enjoyable site for an old canberra driver. May I correct a small spelling error.The RNZAF pilot standing in front of his steed is the infamous Bill J Smillie.

Posted: 7/7/2002
Name: herbie
Email: fam.hoerbinger@ainet.at
Comments: Great site!I`m in the Austrian Air Force and I like to see those fantastic pictures from the SAAB Dragon.Greetings Herbie

Posted: 7/14/2002

Posted: 7/22/2002
Name: mark
Email: okram2@hotmail .com
Comments: Write comment here I was in denmark recently and saw an F-15 flying over my a head in a pea feild not so ´far from Nyborg is this normal or was i just lucky?

Posted: 7/25/2002
Name: Jean-Marc
Comments: Votre site est sympathique et esthétique. Le site d'aeropilot, une école par laquelle j'ai effectué un vol "découverte du pilotage" en Ile de France.

Posted: 7/31/2002
Name: Niels Hillebrand
Homepage: Panavia Tornado Website
Comments: Love your top 100!!!

Posted: 8/7/2002
Name: Ingegerd Alvarez
Email: neva12@hotmail.com
Comments: Write comment here. It is the first time I have been on this site, so I have no comment yet.

Posted: 8/7/2002
Name: George Morland
Email: jgmorland@aol.com
Comments: Yes this is a "best site" I am impressed with this much material that I appreciate as a private pilot, as an aircraft owner and as a small private contracter who does limited service repairs. Previous military in VP usnr.

Posted: 8/11/2002
Name: Justin Lawrence
Email: tigger2@isat.co.za
Comments: Cool !! F16 is the best just wish South Africa would get some insted of the junk our Air Force is flying

Posted: 8/12/2002
Name: tristan
Email: me_rules100@hotmail.com
Comments: i love this site and it made me think that i might become a pilot

Posted: 8/17/2002
Name: Webm@ster
Comments: Interactive site for pilots

Posted: 8/18/2002
Name: Morten Pedersen
Email: ?
Comments: denne her side har de fedeste billeder af fly, jeg har set på nettet. p.s.Jeg kunne godt tænke mig at blive PILOT

Posted: 8/21/2002
Name: Jada M. Scott-Sanders
Email: mmoney@iwon.com
Comments: Great web site

Posted: 8/22/2002
Name: Olly
Homepage: usaaf.8k
Comments: You guys at Avitop have a great site, offering a wonderful service for the good of all things aviation. As a webmaster with a site listed, I must say that the new site stats facility is excellent. Best regards to one and all...

Posted: 8/27/2002  
Name: Jonathan lee Clark
Email: none
Comments: I realy like your web site

Posted: 8/30/2002
Name: Brendan Smith
Email: brendan41357@hotmail.com
Comments: This sight is kewl!!!!! I love the interactive F-16!!

Posted: 9/1/2002
Name: Alexander P Turner III
Email: Parkertu@aol.com
Comments: Wonderful site for connecting with aviation. Thank you.

Posted: 9/5/2002
Name: Robert L Megee
Email: lenme@elknet.net
Comments: I changed my e-mail address in case anyone want's to contact me.

Posted: 9/6/2002
Name: julie
Comments: hey alle sammen....... jeg er en pige på 13år som er helt vild med david beckham

Posted: 9/14/2002
Name: P. Dennis Long
Email: long-enterprises@lycos.com
Comments: Do you have any information on Aviation jobs in Denmark?

Posted: 9/14/2002
Name: Davies
Email: davies_w@yahoo.co.uk
Comments: Great site, love it.

Posted: 9/17/2002
Name: moses alexie
Email: moe_moe_a@yahoo.com
Comments: cool page, I will fly one of those someday!

Posted: 9/18/2002
Name: Jean
Email: stinebb@ofir.dk
Comments: Hej jeg vil gerne købe et f-16 jagerfly så jeg kan bombe Osama Binlarden i ægget

Posted: 9/21/2002
Name: Vlada Marinkovic
Email: mapo@eunet.yu
Comments: Fantastic site;i am really im pressed Best regards, Vlada Marinkovic

Posted: 9/21/2002
Name: Bernice Kotze
Email: strikingeagle15@hotmail.com
Comments: Avitop, Thanks a million for this fantastic website!! It is truly inspiring for young people like myself, who's interested in Air Force- or Avition recruiting.Keep this great public service up, please. Kind regards, Bernice

Posted: 9/23/2002
Name: Mr. Ost
Email: You dont wanna now
Comments: Guddaw!

Posted: 9/23/2002
Name: Mr. Ost
Email: You dont wanna now
Comments: I really gotta pie! :-s

Posted: 9/25/2002
Email: troynvic@yahoo.com
Comments: Yo Run, hope you're still having fun at Sheppard! One month till Viper school for me... I can't wait. Da'nob

Posted: 10/2/2002
Name: trey sanders
Email: TreySanders3@msn.com
Comments: hey my name is trey and i love airpplanes and soon am going to the airforce to be a flier

Posted: 10/3/2002
Name: Gary
Email: gary_cooper234@aol.com
Homepage: Gary
Comments: Great site, congratulations!

Please visit mine, greetings from Gary

Posted: 10/3/2002
Name: Patricia Hallings
Email: patriciahallings@aol.com
Comments: This is an excellent site and it is really my pleasure to sign your guestbook.

May we propose our services to you and your readers? We offer management consulting, computer consulting, management training and computer training. We also offer business process outsourcing and IT outsourcing services like home networking, wireless networking, and computer networking. You are welcome to visit our site!

Posted: 10/8/2002
Name: matt
Email: giochi@hotmail.com
Homepage: giochi
Comments: great site

Posted: 10/8/2002
Name: robert
Email: rob@yahoo.com
Homepage: giochi
Comments: hi world

Posted: 10/9/2002
Name: Jokum Nielsen
Email: jukku@inuit.org
Comments: flot hjemmeside. tuttelut

Posted: 10/10/2002
Name: Carina Stevens
Email: carina.stevens@msn.com
Comments: Hello Avitop, it's a great experience to visit your site, congratulations and thank you for sharing it all with us aviation freeks!
May we help you to make it even better with some of the services we offer? We provide web design, web promotion, internet marketing and search engine submission. We also offer network solutions and search engine optimization. If you could use special web site design services or performant web site promotion, please let us know. We would be happy to help you! Please visit our website, you are most welcome!

Posted: 10/12/2002
Name: Marina
Comments: Excellent site, thanks ;-)
Pouvons-nous nous présenter? Nous proposons des services de consultance, de consultance informatique, de formation informatique, et d'intégration informatique. En bref: nous sommes votre consultant informatique de confiance! Venez voir notre site internet, vous serez les bienvenus!

Posted: 10/16/2002
Name: Peter
Comments: I would like to know which simulation game for PC is the best one in evething like graphics, sound, etc. Thanks

Posted: 10/17/2002
Name: luchtzak
Email: luchtzak@pandora.be
Homepage: Luchtzak Aviation Pictures
Comments: Hi all! since years I have been surfing on www.avitop.com, still one of the finest aviation-websites around! greetings, luchtzak

Posted: 10/23/2002
Name: wingmanup7
Email: wingmanup7@yahoo.com
Comments: Nice site!!! Lots of info!!!

Posted: 10/24/2002
Name: Ken Hamiilton
Email: kmh@makeitfly.biz
Homepage: www.makeitfly.biz
Comments: Love your site and will post you as a link on ours....feel free to do the same...

Posted: 10/29/2002
Name: nicole ilovemen
Email: iloveme@caboolture.hotkey
Comments: jets are cool

Posted: 11/1/2002
Name: john
Comments: great site

Posted: 11/2/2002
Name: steve
Email: steverow50@hotmail.com
Comments: excellent site

Posted: 11/2/2002
Name: Flemming Olsen
Email: flol@slv.dk
Comments: Kunne godt tænke mig at vide hvor i har animationen fra på forsiden af en F-16 i solnedgang? Jeg ville gerne bruge den i undervisningsøjemed. Ellers er det en lkækker side med mange billeder. Tak....

Posted: 11/7/2002
Comments: NICE SITE

Posted: 11/7/2002
Name: mads
Email: www.dallerdreng.ofir.dk
Comments: hej det her er den sejeste hjemme side i verden!! mvh Mads

Posted: 11/8/2002  
Name: farhad
Email: frk_mashori@hotmail.com
Comments: it should of large size

Posted: 11/11/2002
Name: Yusuf
Email: guardiola@ofir.dk
Comments: hej. er der noger der kan fortælle mig om jagerflyet f 16's motor. om hvordan den er opbygget, hvordan den virker. måske er der nogle eksperter herinde ))) og jeg spørger fordi jeg skal bruge det i min opgave på skolen. på forhånd tak.

Posted: 11/13/2002
Name: walter baker
Email: bkrwalter@aol.com
Comments: i love this site but needs some downloadable pics

Posted: 11/14/2002
Name: Lynda Holliday
Email: hollidll@pickens.k12.sc.us
Comments: Write comment here I am looking for information on Homer Marvin Crowell. He served in the European Theater 1942- . I believe he was an Aircraft Mechanic.

Posted: 11/14/2002
Name: andy jack
Email: sheldrak@idirect.com
Comments: Write comment here just checking the site

Posted: 11/21/2002
Name: Jake
Comments: i really like this sight it shows alot of good photos of planes.

Posted: 11/27/2002
Name: mert
Email: mtoker33@hotmail.com
Homepage: easterncorner
Comments: Very good web page.Thanks...

Posted: 12/1/2002
Name: Ásgeir Long
Email: aslobell@simnet.is
Comments: Write comment here Discovered this web few days ago. Will comment in due time.

Posted: 12/3/2002
Name: Theresa Lacey
Email: Tahoelacey@aol.com
Comments: I am interested in the way you have you're photo's.I have a collection of my own and I am putting them in an ebay store. My marketing I'm doing now. I could use any advice or help in this area.This was my father's dream the photo's I have are his he died in 1989. I'm an artist who wants to make his dreams come true. He was a superb photographer of airplanes. ARose in Tahoe is the name of the E-bay store, if you'd like to look. Going to get out alot more airplane packs. My Dad took pictures his whole life and there all fabulous. I'm tring to turn this into a business so I can develope trust funds for his grand-chidren he never got to meet and for other family members. What I think my father would want me to do. I did'nt mean to drag this out but this is a way to get off the ground. P.S. I just need to fly for pop's. Thank-you

Posted: 12/7/2002
Name: Nebenjob LARS
Email: lars@nebenjob.abc-jobs.info
Homepage: Nebenjob
Comments: Thanks for the good information. Keep up this great resource. Best greetings, Lars

Posted: 12/8/2002
Name: Rob
Homepage: Secret Hour
Comments: Nice site, very well presented and usable.

Posted: 12/10/2002
Name: allan pedersen
Email: coolteddy2002@ofir.dk
Comments: fed hjemmeside den er god

Posted: 12/10/2002
Name: Paul
Comments: Hello, I found you at Altavista. You have wealth of information on your site and a nice design. Greetings from Germany - Paul

Posted: 12/10/2002
Name: Nancy
Homepage: Central-Intelligence-of-Aviation.com
Comments: Great site Steve! I invite to visit ours...

Posted: 12/11/2002
Name: Dan Andersen
Email: Daneba@hotmail.com
Comments: Det er en rigtig fed side og meget lærerig. Jeg har altid selv drømt om at blive jager men pga dårlig ryg kan jeg aldrig blive det men det er jo sikkert også for drenges tilfælde en drengedrøm men i mit tilfælde er det der stadigvæk. men å er det jo godt computerspillet er opfundet :-) men som skrevet en rigtig god side keep up the good work Hilsen dan Callsign Raptor

Posted: 12/12/2002
Name: Jerry
Email: viperflight@chello.nl
Homepage: Viperflight
Comments: Nice website,just how I like it.

Posted: 12/13/2002
Name: Deborah Mahoney
Email: deborahann2001@rogers.com
Comments: Love your site. God bless!

Posted: 12/14/2002
Name: Nancy
Comments: Greta site, keep up the good work

Posted: 12/17/2002
Name: aner de ikke
Comments: hej fed hjemmeside

Posted: 12/17/2002
Name: Beate
Comments: sweet kisses and the best wishes

Posted: 12/18/2002
Name:  Ron
Email: ron-rodriguez@excite.com
Comments: Great site,real good info.

Posted: 12/18/2002
Email: Bryan.L.Burnett@cnet.navy.mil
Comments: This one the best sites I have ever been too.

Posted: 12/18/2002
Email: Bryan.L.Burnett@cnet.navy.mil
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Posted: 12/21/2002
Name: Henrik
Email: nut-city@post.tele.dk
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Posted: 12/24/2002
Name: Phil
Homepage: Tips
Comments: Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all, aviation lovers! And thank you Avitop for providing such a great site!

Posted: 12/25/2002
Name: Lisa
Homepage: suizid
Comments: Great site!

Posted: 12/25/2002
Name: Santa Claus
Homepage: logos
Comments: Merry Christmas! :o)

Posted: 12/28/2002
Name: Andrew McCraw
Email: andrewboy2003@yahoo.ca
Comments: This website rocks!!

Posted: 12/28/2002
Name: Arbeitssuche
Homepage: Arbeitssuche
Comments: I wish you a happy new year. John A.

Posted: 12/29/2002
Name: Finanzierung S.
Email: xp@nospam-pleasse.xp
Homepage: Middle Europe
Comments: I wish you a happy new year. Stefen F.

Posted: 12/31/2002
Name: Fokke van der Bos
Email: fh.vanderbos@quicknet.nl
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Posted: 1/1/2003
Name: Steven Seagal
Comments: Hold kæft hvor er fly fede - GO FLY :)

Posted: 1/2/2003
Name: Oki Indrajaya
Email: okiindrajaya@yahoo.com
Comments: i am graduated from STPI (Indonesian Civil Aviation) with CPL and Diploma majoring in aviation knowledge

Posted: 1/4/2003
Name: Paul Audet
Email: Paudet2700@AOL.com
Comments: I would like to know what AOL and members could do about our Fighter pilot that is going to get the shaft because he fired at some one that was firing at him when on duty over Afghanistan on a 10 hr flight mission? He has been in air force since 1983 and is a flight intructor. Paul Audet

Posted: 1/4/2003
Name: Dani
Homepage: shakira nackt
Comments: Thought I would sign! "There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written or badly written." Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)

Posted: 1/5/2003
Name: Peter
Comments: Happy New Year!

Posted: 1/7/2003
Name: Rachael evans
Email: www.Xvalleychick15x@aol.com
Comments: Write comment here hey jus surfin net, this site is gud! i want 2 b a pilot, ne pilots on ere that c this, email me so we can chat, ok? bye lve rachael x x

Posted: 1/7/2003
Name: Dan
Homepage: Brainwin Consulting
Comments: Hi Avitop crew, I'd like to wish an excellent 2003 to all of you, and thanks for providing this wonderful site!

Posted: 1/8/2003
Name: Lilly
Homepage: minogue
Comments: Keep up this great resource. I bookmark your site, best greetings ...

Posted: 1/8/2003
Name: demetri montoya
Email: fireworkes2003@yahoo.com
Comments: My name is demetri montoya. I would like it if you can fly by lamar,CO,81052,fly low.I would really like that.My dream is to be a F16 fighter.plese email me. Happy New Year

Posted: 1/9/2003
Name: Ian Piper
Email: ian@605squadron.com
Homepage: 605 Squadron
Comments: I have just launched a new website for No.605 (County of Warwick) Squadron, Royal Auxiliary Air Force. A new book on 605 is due out at the end of Jan 2003.

Posted: 1/9/2003
Name: Patrou
Homepage: Patrou
Comments: Great Aviation stuff man, love it..

Posted: 1/10/2003
Name: Robert Jansen
Homepage: AmTechs
Comments: Loved the way your site has been organized. Thanks for this break (while I should be working) ;) Cheers, Bob IT Consultant

Posted: 1/10/2003
Name: travis
Comments: i would lick more information

Posted: 1/10/2003
Name: Joel
Email: slappy_23@hotmail.com
Comments: Great page more info though, but good non the less

Posted: 1/11/2003
Pferdehalter Haftpflicht
Name: Pferdehalter Haftpflicht
Homepage: Pferdehalter Haftpflicht
Comments: Excellent website, very informative. Keep up the excellent work - - Harry.

Posted: 1/12/2003
Name: Alejandra Carrillo
Email: revistaair@hotmail.com
Comments: Hi: Your web site is very nice, I am looking for the aviation events. As soon as I can I will send you some photos of the aviation in Costa Rica. Thank you Alejandra Carrillo

Posted: 1/14/2003  
Name: Jesper
Comments: Hej jeg

Posted: 1/14/2003
Name: Christina
Homepage: aguilera
Comments: Nice site. Easy to use.

Posted: 1/18/2003
Name: Phil
Homepage: Management Consulting
Comments: Excellent site Avitop, I particularly like the great photographs of the fighter gallery! Greetings!

Posted: 1/18/2003
Name: Jeanette
Homepage: nackt
Comments: Enjoyed your site very much! Thank you! Keep up a great work!

Posted: 1/19/2003
Name: michael matthews
Email: mikey23502000@yahoo.com
Comments: keep up the good work

Posted: 1/20/2003
Homepage: T-Adoro.com
Comments: I love the pics an all the info about the hornet, thank you.

Posted: 1/21/2003
Name: Marcus
Homepage: Computerbeheer
Comments: Wow, this truely is one of the best aviation sites on the Net. Congratulations and thank you!

Posted: 1/22/2003
Name: dxm
Comments: I like your aviation site.

Posted: 1/24/2003
Name: Jon S. Aldridge
Email: jsasai@hotmail.com
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Posted: 1/24/2003
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Posted: 1/28/2003
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Posted: 1/29/2003
Name: Berdamai Ritonga
Email: damai@riau-airlines.com
Homepage: www.riau-airlines.com
Comments: Safety First

Posted: 1/30/2003
Name: Nanni
Homepage: Nacktbilder
Comments: your page is inspirational ;)

Posted: 2/1/2003
Name: burno
Email: agboga@mugu.com
Comments: THANKS

Posted: 2/2/2003
Name: julain
Homepage: homepage
Comments: Excellent site, most impressed, took a while to load though, maybe my aol account !

Posted: 2/5/2003
Name: Roger
Email: Hciucuritiba@aol.com
Comments: Great Site!

Posted: 2/6/2003
Name: Holly
Homepage: phentermine
Comments: Nice to see you all!

Posted: 2/7/2003
Name: Denis
Comments: Great site! Best wishes from Russia!

Posted: 2/7/2003
Name: rx2dz
Email: rx2dz@tripod.com
Homepage: rx2dz
Comments: Cheers.

Posted: 2/7/2003
Name: Miguel
Comments: OLA:)

Posted: 2/8/2003
Name: Kati Janson
Email: webmaster@namewinner.de
Homepage: Opodo
Comments: Great site..I enjoyed it a lot..BTW Its the first time I'm posting my comments on a public place. +++Kati Janson+++

Posted: 2/11/2003
Name: Mary
Comments: I like this site alot

Posted: 2/11/2003
Name: Xiaonan Wu
Email: xiaonanwu@yahoo.com
Comments: Thank you. I found it interesting.

Posted: 2/13/2003
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Email: haynes1055@hotmail.com
Comments: Write comment here very grate site loved verey much hope to vist again keep up good work

Posted: 2/13/2003
Name: Richard Morin
Email: Richard.Morin2@verizon.net
Comments: Very impressive site, I enjoyed this site!

Posted: 2/13/2003
Name: George Issac
Email: gissacus@yahoo.com
Comments: Love your work.

Posted: 2/15/2003
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Posted: 2/17/2003
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Posted: 2/17/2003
Name: Jet Blast
Email: andrew@jetthrust.com
Homepage: JET THRUST.COM- The Pilot Network
Comments: Just wanted to say hello to everyone! I'm a commercial pilot myself from Vancouver, B.C. Stop by Jet Thrust sometime to say hello. We'd love to heard from you all!!! AVITOP.COM ROCKS!! Way to go!

Posted: 2/20/2003
Name: Matt
Comments: Nice site. Very cool.

Posted: 2/21/2003
Name: Dylan
Email: dylan_steel@hotmail.com
Comments: Great site!

Posted: 2/22/2003
Name: Milenski
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Homepage: Milenski ART
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Posted: 2/25/2003
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Posted: 2/25/2003
Email: dochawkehaven@aol.com
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Posted: 3/2/2003
Name: Paul Agi
Email: paulagi1@yahoo.com
Comments: Nice site

Posted: 3/4/2003
Comments: thanks guys keep it up.

Posted: 3/4/2003
Name: mugu
Email: guymen@yahoo.com
Comments: Nice site

Posted: 3/7/2003
Name: Sergeant
Email: stray762@hotmail.com
Comments: Wow this is a great site you have hear! I will be sure to pass it on to friends.

Posted: 3/12/2003
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Posted: 3/14/2003
Name: Jack Dempsey
Email: jackdee@eircom.net
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Posted: 3/17/2003
Name: martin Proctor
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Posted: 3/17/2003
Name: Marx
Comments: Great site! Keep it running!

Posted: 3/17/2003
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Email: drfeelgood8@netzero.com
Comments: just getting into website. Think its great! Keep upnthe good work!

Posted: 3/19/2003
Name: Dave
Email: davehomes@m-99.co.uk
Homepage: M99
Comments: Very cool website

Posted: 3/20/2003
Name: John Cooper
Email: john@cooper286.fsnet.co.uk
Homepage: Royal Air Force
Comments: Great site you have, visit my RAF site some time

Posted: 3/21/2003
Name: sam
Comments: very interesting site.

Posted: 3/21/2003
Name: sam
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Posted: 3/21/2003
Name: rick
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Posted: 3/21/2003
Name: vivek
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Posted: 3/21/2003
Name: Maria Jose D'Arce
Email: mariadarce@msn.com
Comments: From Nicaragua I want to congratulate all of you for this interesting and instructive site. Also want to express my affection towards you.

Posted: 3/22/2003
Name: Frank
Email: frank-thomes@yahoo.com
Homepage: frank
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Posted: 3/24/2003
Name: stacy
Email: Stacygrigs@hotmail.com
Comments: great website, lots of useful info!

Posted: 3/27/2003
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Email: n/a
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Posted: 4/3/2003
Name: Lupe
Homepage: here it is
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Posted: 4/5/2003
Name: susi
Comments: sweet kisses

Posted: 4/5/2003
Name: kite
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Posted: 4/5/2003
Name: steve easton
Email: twistedpus6556
Comments: very good guest book,keep up the good work

Posted: 4/11/2003
Name: susi
Comments: Write comment here sweet kisses

Posted: 4/11/2003
Name: Derek Brown
Comments: I'm a 12 year old kid that loves to fly I flew in a Cessna 172 Skylane. A matter a fact a guy crashed one in the gravel pit up here because his engine stalled on him he made until his nose wheel hit a puddle I was suprised the Cessna 172 was still in one piece

Posted: 4/12/2003
Name: Roland
Email: webmaster@readaktion.de
Homepage: homepage
Comments: Tolle Webseite! Roland

Posted: 4/14/2003
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Posted: 4/16/2003
Name: susi
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Comments: Write comment here sweeet kisses

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Name: jan
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Posted: 4/18/2003
Name: juggels
Homepage: witze
Comments: Klasse Seite gute Übersichte und tolles Design. Gruß

Posted: 4/18/2003
Name: Tom
Email: fuklas@elektor.com.pl
Comments: Hi, I'm from Poland. I'm interesed an Air Forces

Posted: 4/22/2003
Name: The Plaza
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Posted: 4/23/2003
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Posted: 4/25/2003
Name: Tom
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Posted: 4/25/2003
Name: janni
Comments: top page

Posted: 5/1/2003
Name: Lohn
Homepage: Manager
Comments: Nice site, seems to be very popular!

Posted: 5/1/2003
Name: Alain
Comments: Great site, I wanna thank you for invited me to visit your site, keep it running and Thanks :)

Posted: 5/9/2003
Name: jan
Homepage: HP
Comments: nice page

Posted: 5/11/2003
Name: Rachel
Email: rachel_l_kelly@alumnidirector.com
Comments: Great Site

Posted: 5/18/2003
Name: hansi
Comments: nette seite

Posted: 5/20/2003
Name: Rik
Comments: Interesting site

Posted: 5/22/2003
Name: Loretta Becker
Email: Lorett9qgmx.de
Comments: Hello Tom and Doug, I was with my friend Birgit in March 1993 in Almeria - Spain, met we two there friends Tom and Doug from a USS warship, Tom was 1993, 22 years old. We would stand gladly again with them in contact. Who can help us to find the addresses. Made a photo of us for it, I would like to get this photo gladly, thank in advance. Maybe someone knows the name of the warship in March 1993, in the port of Almeria - Spain was. Please help me all. Yours sincerely Loretta Loretta9@gmx.de

Posted: 5/22/2003
Name: Ray Dily
Email: send4stacy@yahoo.com
Comments: thank you 4 your site

Posted: 5/26/2003
Name: Ariane Müller
Comments: Nice page!

Posted: 5/28/2003
Name: Milpics
Homepage: Military Pictures Gallery
Comments: Avitop is a great website for aircraft and military enthusiasts. You guys do yeomens work.

Posted: 5/28/2003
Name: Mr T J Taylor
Email: tj_taylor@bigpond.com
Comments:  nothing to say, so far. Looking for mean machines.

Posted: 5/29/2003
Name: Diana Jean Graham
Email: diana_graham55@yahoo.ca
Comments: Cadets is really cool. I've been in cadets for about seven years.Everybody should get a chance to see how cadets is.

Posted: 6/4/2003
Name: klingeltoene
Email: kaskap@doramail.com
Comments: Write comment Just wanted to say hello and congradulate you on a really neat web site. Regards Kaskaphere

Posted: 6/5/2003
Name: Oliver
Email: nexus1@arcor.de
Homepage: Hi
Comments: You have a very nice site.

Posted: 6/5/2003
Name: Zachary Smith
Email: regularcommunications@hotmail.com
Comments: Love this site

Posted: 6/5/2003
Name: Lee Majors
Email: lazer_world@yahoo.com
Comments: Good work

Posted: 6/12/2003
Name: Nate Moss
Comments: I am known as Thunder Pilot on the web. I love aviation, and own FS2002 pro edition also looking to get CFS3.

Posted: 6/15/2003
Name: Bill
Email: goldnett@hotmail.com
Comments: Thanks For The help

Posted: 6/18/2003
Name: Gordy bignham
Comments: THis site is really cool

Posted: 6/24/2003
Name: Robert
Comments: Very nice site. I enjoyed my visit and will come back again.

Posted: 7/2/2003
Name: Michael Galster
Email: galstermedical@prodigy.net
Comments: I just bought a Bosbok. Would like any info you might have. Especially ex pilots

Posted: 7/3/2003
Name: steve
Email: airbus340@cwctv.net
Comments: great site keep it up from steve in manchester UK Write comment here

Posted: 7/13/2003
Name: Australian General Aviation Community Forum
Email: agacf@tpg.com.au
Homepage: Australian General Aviation Community Foumr
Comments: Great site

Posted: 7/16/2003
Name: Holly
Email: Holly727e@aol.com
Homepage: Holly's Hangar
Comments: Great site.. I added it to the links on my webpage.

Posted: 7/19/2003
Name: Chris MIlian
Email: photosfromonhigh@rn.com
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Posted: 7/23/2003
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Posted: 7/25/2003
Name: Daniel
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